2022Sep06 First test post via APRS. 2022Sep29 In keeping with APRS I will keep this pretty short. Since building the gateway there have been a few brushes with involuntary ROOPHLOCH. We had a record breaking heatwave that threatened the state for several days, one critically so. Crisis was averted but wow, looking at the data is unreal. Then less than two weeks we had record rain for the time of year. Unreal. PS: This is a success but entering each line is a chore. 20230923 Motorcycle portable 2023Sep30 - Third time's the charm. A couple false starts trying to get a post in this year. I guess I've been in too deep a signal hole for the repeaters to hear me. Sadly it means this time I'm posting via APRS from the cell network instead of a full amateur radio path. Minor improvements for the tailposter. Small victories.