# On some todos for RPoD * Identify all type 1 and 0 local links with nonstatic content and generate atom feeds + sitelog is the first obvious candidate + FilesOfInterest and DocumentStore are also on the list - Possibly these two should actually be combined into just the DocumentStore... * Get off my ass and implement a crontab driven rsync backup of RPoD to the external drive + seriously, why haven't I done this? + possibly rsync RPoD + the external drive to my 256GB thumb drive... gonna think on this + maybe a third Raspberry Pi (Pi Zero this time?) to act soley as a backup device? * Fully migrate all music by me into gopherspace. This is primarily for control. Bandcamp is pretty stable, but I would prefer to have a full hierarchical local copy of my discography, it was a lot of work after all... * Reorganize and streamine the layout of the main gophermap. + How long do I want it to be? + is this an issue? I enjoy Papa Grex's long scrolling layout, but tx's minimalism is pretty sweet... this will likely continue to be an organic endeavor. * Identify more sources of content to import into gopherspace + I am a big fan of the HackerNews[0] gopherspace + MetaFilter's[1] blatent liberal slant turns me off + I feel the same about slashdot (which I stopped visiting sometime around 1999 or so) my slashdot2gopher[2] page is pretty halfhearted in any case (lynx dump) + I live in the console, so this is more about a personal search than building the RPoD gopherhole * [0][gopher://hngopher.com/1/](gopher://hngopher.com/1/) * [1][gopher://gopher.metafilter.com/1/MetaFilter](gopher://gopher.metafilter.com/1/MetaFilter) * [2][gopher://gopher.leveck.us/0/cgi-bin/slashdot-txt](gopher://gopher.leveck.us/0/cgi-bin/slashdot-txt)