# On all-in-vim + git (pt 2) ### -=20180428=- Mappings in vim reading my roff template and calling groff and sed on the buffer when I'm ready. I created a git repo for my phlog on gitlab. RPoD git pulls to /var/gopher/phlog. I don't have access to git on SDF, so RPoD scp's to SDF. This is all called from with-in vim. I am not done by a long shot with how I want this to end up. Ideas galore are to be found in the vim plugin/script mega repo[0]. On the topic of vim, I had a huge rolling text file that I kept notes in for work. I have moved this to vimwiki, after splitting out the daily entries to their own files. This was of course inspired by the dbucklin post[1]. Vimwiki has proven to be so useful that I am using it for my RPG stuff as well. I have ASCII character sheets, research files, etc. So damned sexy. I have the RPG page setup as bulleted lists folded under the main topics, and easy to navigate. I may have just had a vimgasm... -|- * [0]https://github.com/vim-scripts * [1]gopher://sdf.org/0/users/dbucklin/posts/evernotex.txt