# The Third Way *Entered: in vim on x201* | *Date: 20200428* Not much going on. However, my job hunt has become more fruitful of late. Multiple interviews unexpectedly. We will see if this results in something tangible. Otherwise just reading books and gaming. This is why I have not been writing very much here: nothing much to say. The days blend into each other as I watch the world change into something unrecognizable. As an adult, I never once wished to return to my parent's control. To move in with them and have them look after me and mine. I absolutely never longed to have the government take this role. One has to consider that of the tens of thousands of cogs in this machine, the vast majority is misguided into thinking they are doing good. Of the two ideal results: a complete return to the old normal, or a complete and total crash and reset, neither is likely to occur. A new, uglier reality is emerging where more liberty is stolen. The world changed for the worse on the eleventh of September, 2001. The time since, up till late 2019, continued a slow march to seize more control. Currently, the acceleration is stark and pretty much unreversable. I worry for my children, and for my remaining years. Young people today have no memory of the iron curtain, or the Soviets. I was living in Europe at the time and knew of people who escaped from East Germany, and who had lived in the USSR. To actively aid in transforming the United States into something akin to this while rewriting the past and lauding communism is so very beyond the pale. The reasoning, in my estimation, is desperation. The cards are so incredibly stacked against us. I have watched the devaluation of our currency, the erosion of opportunities for a good life (standing on one's own feet, home ownership, the ability to have stable employment and pay the bills without working incredible amounts of hours), the steady encroachment of the state into more fine details of our lives. This desperation and a longing for change has led these misguided souls to surmise that a larger government apparatus is the solution, instead of it being the core of the problem. I am gen-X on the cusp of millenial. I struggled with student load debt, and the other issues commonly associated with a generation my junior. I get it. The solution is not a larger, more powerful government. The solution is a drastic pruning of what we have in place. The solution is closing the borders. The solution is the destruction of fiat currency and usurous banking institutions. GLOBALLY. If the United States stopped being an economic and political hitman and the banks were not enslaving us, the lives we all want would be within our grasp. The government will never be our friend. The ones who help will be first against the wall after the revolution, should the misguided left-leaning masses have their way. We have already seen this play out. If you find this far fetched, fine. The people we are letting in from the third world have nothing in common with us and will not hesitate to take part in the round ups and further terror. The truth cares not if you decline to believe it. The right wing and the left wing are both on the same bird. That bird needs to die. None of these movements have the answer. Nothing good is coming while they exist. The answer to 1914 is 30,000BC. We were not intended to be flabby, subservient creatures. The environment would heal. The crush of debt slavery would cease. The nagging we all feel of dissatisfaction in a meaningless life would fade as our actions would directly correlate to our survival. Our vocations would tangibly *mean something* instead of the uselessness of modern existence. We do not need a government that sets us on tracks like a train car with no choice as to our course. We do not need them at all.