# AD&D 1e Planescape / Spelljammer Solo Campaign Maps *Entered: in vim on RPoJ* | *Date: 20200517* I made plaintext versions of my campaign maps (the ones I have so far) and posted them [in my GAMES SECTION]. This includes the map of the Spheres in the campaign and the travel times, and maps of each Crystal Sphere. The maps of each planetary body will be from each campaign setting (available from google image search if I do not own a physical map). In the case of Sacspace, this sphere is my own homebrew and I have hand drawn maps for it. One day when it is fleshed out, I'll scan and post it. Sacspace is the setting for my BECMI campaign with my daughter. At this point I do not wish to venture there in this campaign, at least not soon, as I have plenty to explore in Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, and Planescape. [in my GAMES SECTION]: gopher://1436.ninja/0Games/rpg-play.wiki/planescape-spelljammer-1e-solo/Map_of_Spheres.md