# Vacation *Entered: in vim on x201* | *Date: 20210518* ## This Week I took vacation time this week. Last weekend, I was the *minister* for my oldest daughter's wedding. It went well. This week I have decided to do not much. I have a project going installing an SSD and Gnu/Linux on a 2012 Mac Mini. The SSD is coming today. I made a promise to the friend that gave me the Mac Mini that I would smash the hard drive. Since it is going to be smashed anyways, I attempted to install Manjaro BSPWM edition on it since I had a USB drive already laying around. It did not go well. The install kept failing. Since I intend to plug this into my living room TV, I figured I'd make it user friendly and whatnot. So to that end, I am downloading the Ubuntu installation ISO. I think I'll hook up an external USB hard drive and put some movies and music on it since it's going to live in the front room. ## Coming Up Next week I'll be in Alabama installing some equipment. The week after I am moving my mother into my house. I am never around and she is getting older, so it just made sense. I get someone to look after the house and she gains a support system. ## To Another Phlogger xiled [phlogged about Rasperry Pi projects][1] and featured a photo of stunning looking wood and glass cases for it all. That is sexy as hell. Just wanted to give you a nod. [1]: gopher://sdf.org/1/users/xiled/phlog/2021/20210516_mini_lab