# Adventures in Plumbing and Other Things *Entered: in vim on gemini pda* | *Date: 20210721* I am at home for a couple days. In my absence, it was determined that the hose bib for the spigot on the back of my house was bad. Water was leaking down the foundation when the water was on. As it is summer and hot, and I have an evaporative cooler, water was left to run. Today I had a plumber come out. He made quick work of it and all is well. ## Side Missions I have been on a mission to find the perfect travel backpack. I have a lot of them for this reason, but haven't found one that has pleased me. It dawned on me that I don't want a backpack, I want a wheeled laptop bag. No more weight on the ole shoulders and all that. So I have bought a Samsonite roller bag that I *think* will fit under all plane seats (I'll soon find out). At least it cost me less than the bag I looked at while in airports which were between $550 and $780. Tomorrow I am also going to go through this bag, my toolbox, and my main suitcase and cut contents to see if I can reduce weight. I know this is entirely doable. I just want to get down to what is absolutely essential. I just want clothing for a week, because I can (and do) just do laundry out of town. I have tools in my toolbox I do not necessarily need. It has increased over time, from 48 pounds to 59 pounds. I get three free checked bags up to 70 pounds, but I want to optimize this anyways. ## Gemini PDA I am typing this in vim in termux on my Gemini PDA. So far this device is everything I envisioned it to be. I have a 2TB dropbox account I use for everything. One of the things I use it for is my org agenda. I use orgzly on my android phone connected to my dropbox to show a widget. I use beorg on my work iphone connected to my dropbox to do the same. With dropsync installed on the gemini, I can use emacs in termux and have a synced copy of my dropbox org directory that propagates everywhere whatever device I pick up will show me my org agenda and the proper view it of course on the gemini in emacs. Being able to use terminal programs to interact with files stored in my dropbox is a game changer. I am sure I will find other uses as time goes on. So far I am really liking this device, and plan on sticking with android as the only OS on it as termux is so damned good at giving me exactly what I need Linux for. I do not need xorg because I have... Android. So web browser and any GUI app I may require. The missing link was always text based software, which is a huge amount of what I use a computer for.