# February *Entered: in vim on my phone* | *Date: 20220203* ## A Coastal Hopping I started this week in rural Virginia near the North Carolina border. I find myself now on a plane to Spokane, Washington. One coast in a week? Hold my beer! ## Beer Speaking of that, I don't generally drink beer. It just never crosses the mind. On planes I'll typically enjoy a coffee with Bailey's, in a restaurant bar I'll generally order a White Russian. Beer? It just seems heavy. ## The Joy of gopher on Android I have used various gopher clients on my Android phones over the years. Including pretty much all terminal clients via Termux. Why had I never been aware of Overbite Android by Cameron Kaiser? Of course Cameron has written a client for Android... why would the savant himself have not? I enjoy this client greatly. The only flaw seems to be that it doesn't (currently) allow downloads. However, reading phlogs is definitely allowed.