# Emacs update *Entered: in emacs on Gemini PDA* | *Date: 20220608* ## Current setup I am currently running emacs configured from scratch, using evil mode, doom-themes and modeline, elpher, vterm (zsh/tmux), and some other miscellaneous packages. I attempted to get exwm to work, but have not figured it out as of yet. I am typing this now in emacs in ratpoison as a compromise. ## exwm exwm will not create workspaces with my current config. I will keep screwing with it. So far I have copied and pasted elisp and watched youtube with poor results. I had a typo in my init.el where elpa was labeled melpa due to copy/paste and not fully editing a line. I need to revisit my exwm configuration and package installs to figure out what is broken.