# Christmas and catchup *Entered: in emacs on GPD Pocket X7* | *Date: 20221225* | *Soundtrack: the sounds of family after a long day* ## Christmastime My company essentially closes down from 22 December to 2 January so I am home and feeling good. I spent the day with my wife, 2/3s of my kids, my oldest daughter's boyfriend, my sister in law, her son, and her boyfriend. We played games, ate ham, homemade bread, greenbean cassarole. It was a good time. I got a preserved rat embryo in a small bottle, and what looks like a crystal ball with 4 preserved mice floating inside. Pretty rad. ## GPD Pocket Tinkering I have had Manjaro I3 Community Edition installed on this device since I acquired it. I am a huge fan of tiling WMs, but not really a fan of I3. I prefer BSPWM or DWM. On a whim last night, I installed LARBS under a new user, diabled my graphical login manager, modified some keybindings in Luke's DWM build, tweaked some colors, and copied what I liked over to my user account. I running DWM a lot better than I3, it feels more familiar. I also like that the computer is a lot less "normie-friendly" on power up. It is entirely possible that I could lose this device while traveling. Obfuscation is one way to keep things secure...