# On more tinkering *Entered: in neovim on Gemini PDA* | *Date: 20230107* ## Gemini PDA I decided quite a while back that linux was not great on the Gemini PDA. The power saving features not working well is a deal breaker. As I used my GPD Pocket 1 more, I realized that if I s/xorg/android/ and s/alacritty/termux/ then the difference is not very large. So I wiped my Gemini PDA and installed Android (I actually chose rooted Android, but I have been unable to gain root... ends up I do not require it). I installed termux from fdroid. Then proot, and installed Manjaro. With termux-float installed, it looks just like a terminal open in X. I copied over my .emacs.d and it is broken (going from AMD64 to AARCH64??), and I didn't feel like screwing with starting over ATM. So I started a neovim config since a few videos on this topic have been in my feed lately. Got it setup rather nicely already, with a few plugins for navigation, highlighting, and file templates. Not bad. I will still eventually get around to redoing my .emacs.d. ## Battery and Temperature The main reason I decided to resetup my Gemini PDA is my GPD Pocket 1 I consider my main personal laptop. Its battery life is rather good, but it does get hot. I cannot, for example, place it on my ottoman and use it. It will soon thermal-throttle. But, for laptop type tasks, knowing its quirks, it does a great job. For things where a small, light weight, pocketable device running on an Arm chip would do what I need, the GPDA is a winner. Screenshots: [1](gopher://1436.ninja/I/Phlog/images/20230107-1.png) [2](gopher://1436.ninja/I/Phlog/images/20230107-2.png)