# On so many hours of emacs configuring *Entered: in emacs on Gemini PDA* | *Date: 20230126* ## Emacs config feeling pretty comfy I did end up starting my init.el over from scratch two more times. It now syncs and works with all my devices including my work Windows 10 Thinkpad. I found that all the speed issues on my Gemini PDA were due to the overhead of proot'ing Manjaro. On vanilla termux, my GPDA is just as fast as my phone loading emacs (well, my phone is much beefier of a device, so not quite, but it feels peppy anyways). ## Unsatisfied with yasnippet and yatemplate I have vim setup with a phlog template for years, neovim for months, but have been unhappy with yatemplate in emacs. It acted hokey while setting up and didn't do everything I wanted it to do. So [I rolled my own](./rolled-my-own.txt). I wanted the device I am typing on to autoidentify. This was accomplished pretty hackily -- I set the same environment variable on each device and read it in my init.el. I also fill in the date automatically. Seems like not a big deal, but it is very satisfying...