# Wasting time ⏱ 20230817 ♬ Mercyful Fate - Dead Again ♬ Discharge - Manson Child ## Quite often this happens I am fairly anal about punctuality. This borders upon paranoia when it comes to travel days. The idea of delaying my arrival home or to the city /town I am to work in is extremely distasteful. This morning I awoke in Decatur, Illinois, I have a 0930 flight out of STL (St. Louis, Missouri). Planning to arrive two hours early at the airport (0730), plus 2hr 15min of driving to the airport meant a 0515 hit the road time, a 0415 wakeup. However, my mind craves cushion for safety. So instead I awoke at 0200 and was on the road by 0230. So now (0505) I am sitting in the Cell Phone Waiting Parking Lot killing time. A normal occurance for me, and one that I consider worthwhile.