# Lubbock ⏱ 20230821 ♬ The sounds of an interstate highway from my hotel room ## Not a fan I do not really enjoy Texas. I lived in this state for 18 years, moving away when I was in my late twenties. It is hot in the summer. Traffic can be a real mess. Highway interchanges are stupidly designed as large as they possibly can be. The one saving grace of Texas is Whataburger. I only eat one real meal a day now. Tonight, it was a number 1, plain and dry, sandwich only, and spicy ketchup to go with it. I had a coke zero along with it. Brings me back to being a kid, every single time. ## Safety guys Safety guys at plants are universally assholes. They have a propensity for power trips and for prioritizing their own policies over actual safety. I was yelled at today for being on top of the machine I am retrofitting without a harness. The top of the machine is surrounded on 3 sides by electrical enclosures to the point the top basically has walls. If he were truly concerned with my safety, how about having the plant clean the well known cancer causing agent you manufacture off of every single surface I have to touch to do my job? Fucking little man syndrome yet again. I do need to get back up there... hopefully he has a lanyard that stops before I'd hit the floor. Doubt it.