RPoD - Wyoming Gopher
       Site Log
       20240128: Mirrored Project Gutenberg (text
       files only) and the Survivor Library
       (survivorlibrary.com, PDF files). Both of these
       are in a new section of the main RPoD gophermap.
       20240101: Due to a couple of guestbook posts,
       I feel compelled to put out that I do not run
       floodgap, I do not host an instance of veronica,
       look at the server in the selectors you have
       issues with. This is 1436.ninja and I link to
       numerous other servers. If the post about veronica
       was actually referring to my moku-pona, when I
       upgraded to v2 some phlogs were lost. Contact
       sysop [at] 1436.ninja to rectify. Thank you.
       20231111: Worked on the Port70News rejection
       logic. It was supposed to catch URLs returning
       empty results, usually due to JS generated
       pages. It was buggy and didn't give useful
       feedback. It seems to be working now. Drop me a
       line (contact info is top of main menu) if you
       have issues, please. Also fixed utf-8 handling.
       20231015: Port70News now uses rdrview, a
       readability port for commandline, piped through
       lynx -dump for a much cleaner output. Long
       20230916: Major upgrade to my internet
       connection. Went from 7 megabit/sec down, 256
       kilobit/sec up to 50 megabit symetrical.
       20230912: Main gophermap, Port70News, and
       My Guestbook are all feeding from recutils
       databases. I am really liking the flexibility this
       lends itself to.
       20230823: As I mentioned in my 20220606 phlog
       entry, I have been kicking around the idea
       of running this gopherhole via a recutils
       database. Well a portion of this gopherhole is now
       being produced thusly. If I decide to keep it this
       way, I'll expand it to the entire site.
       20230814: Upgraded the Lenovo ThinkCentre now
       hosting RPoD to 10GB of RAM and a 1TB SSD. Posting
       to the guestbook and Port70News is reenabled.
       20230805: RPoD is no longer a Raspberry Pi 4,
       it is now a Lenovo ThinkCentre. Gopherd is now
       gophernicus. Some things are not currently
       working, but I will be working on this.
       20230317: After a foolish experiment with trim on
       the RPoD ssd, it went down for a week while I was
       out of town. Sorry about that.
       20221231: Power outage downed the site. fixed some
       formatting in the server information file.
       20220401: Increased security. Wrote script to
       restart gopherd after checking if down. Increasing
       20210902: Took RPoD down today and copied
       everything over to a new Raspberry Pi 4 with a
       256GB M.2 SSD in a fan cooled case. It took some
       doing. I may be tinkering with designing a more
       portable gopher- hole. Time will tell.
       20210705: Messed up my crontab while editting it a
       few days ago, which led to extended downtime for
       the site.
       20210310: Rewrote the gophermap.cgi for my
       phlog. Got rid of the archive pages, switching to
       one long list to the beginning of time. Truncated
       entry titles at 50 characters to stop line
       wrapping on most standard devices.
       20200722: Minor maintenance on the logging of
       Xylophar for the host count on the SERVER INFO
       file. Rebooted server for the first time in a
       couple of months.
       20200510: I took RPoD down tonight at 1800 UTC-6
       and performed a backup with dd to an external
       drive. This took several hours.
       20200201: Loads of minor tweaks to Xylophar and
       the RPod Gopher=>HTTP Proxy. Bugs were found and
       killed. There are some RPoD specific additions to
       the Proxy such as the (c) notice on the phlog,
       that are not present in the git repo.
       20200126: Xylophar was "getting stuck" this
       was pegging the CPU on RPoD, degrading
       performance. Added a SUB to the Xylophar
       sourcecode to shell "kill -9 $$" and called it as
       the last command in all spots where the gopherd
       should be finished. Worked like a champ!
       20200123: https://leveck.us now points directly
       to this gopherhole using the RPoD Gopher=>HTTP
       Proxy. The robots.txt file will prevent (ethical)
       bots from spidering gopher.
       20200120: Added http redirect support to Xylophar
       and upgraded RPoD to this new version.
       20200116: RPoD has been migrated to Xylophar as
       its gopherd. https://gitlab.com/leveck/xylophar
       20190913: Reversed the moku-pona change from the
       last SL entry... after moving moku-pona fully to
       the RPoD chroot.
       20190911: Did some remodeling. Improved the
       formatting of the Palm Doc version of the
       Phlog. Changed the moku-pona instance to check on
       the hour, but not to touch the gopherhole unless
       there is an update.
       20190902: Added a Plucker file collection in the
       Document Collections section. Infused my moku-pona
       with gopher.black's sites.txt (cat'd with mine,
       sort'd, uniq'd, manually deduped). It'll settle
       down once again after updates naturally occur.
       20190831: Added a Palm Doc version of the phlog,
       yeah I know it mangles source code I have
       posted. I still think it is cool. Also added a
       feed version of my Twitpher (not atom, like that
       website for microblogs).
       20190625: Imported, sorted, and uniq'd a sites.txt
       from another moku-pona instance. I forget
       who's it was, but thank you for the infusion
       of phloggers! Consequently the local moku-pona
       instance is a mess today. It'll resume normalcy in
       20190123: Upgraded my moku-pona install finally.
       curl'd The update pages from the two major
       circumlunar.space sites into my sites.txt. Moved
       the other circumlunar.space links to the Bookmarks
       20190119: Modified the Phlog gophermap to only
       display current year. All prior years are
       available via a link to Archives at the top of
       that menu. All links still work, files have not
       moved. It was just getting a tad cluttered.
       20181218: https://leveck.us once again mirrors the
       phlog. It uses mod_markdown for transformation.
       20181201: Cleaned all extra, superfluous software
       off of RPoD, increasing performance. Added
       photograph of my (current) complete PDA collection
       to the PDA_Collection section.
       20181130: Updated RPoD's storage from 32gb to
       256gb on its main drive. Continued hosting
       expansion is assured for some time to come. Also
       setup cron'd rsync backup of the gopher chroot.
       20181001: I am seeking Palm Device donations. If
       you are interested in finding a home for your
       device, please write me at: sysop@1436.ninja
       20180929: Changed a couple of gosher configuration
       items and got moku-pona to work with my phlog.
       20180809: RPoD is now runing in chroot
       using gosher as the server! Report bugs to
       sysop@1436.ninja ::IMPORTANT:: I Moved My Phlog --
       update your links.  ALSO: Took down the leveck.us
       www site. The world wide web increasingly
       represents all I hate.
       20180708: Complete reorg of main
       gophermap. Everything is still here, just
       restyled, moved, consolidated. Major redo of phlog
       20180704: Started streamlining, deleting,
       combining links & sections on the main gophermap
       to start figuring out a good starting point for
       the ongoing gopher + wiki project.
       20180630: Added Asatru Section. Contains the 8chan
       Asatru trove and the text version of the RPoD
       Asatru Wiki.
       20180607: Did a lot of work to the www blog
       frontend of the phlog. All text, fast, uses
       same text files as the phlog so no upkeep.
       20180605: added a plaintext only (type 0) view of
       my phlog Diggie Dog on Android dislikes my type 1
       format pick your view below...
       20180517: symlink from phlog to
       /var/www/html/blog. https://leveck.us now displays
       a blog version of the RPoD Phlog.
       20180419: added sourcecode for my note/task app
       to the software projects section. added an RPG
       character backstory creation guide to the games
       20180325: purchased 1436.ninja, pointed all
       local selectors to it. gopher.leveck.us and
       rpod.leveck.us still functional.
       20180318: added a twitpher as /~leveck on
       20180316: added GAMES section
       20180312: Guestbook was broken too, completely
       rewrote it. now uses /bin/sh, par, tac, and sed
       for urldecode. preserved old entries.
       20180311: Moved some content around, removed
       the forum as the code is broke AF. This should
       be rewritten as initially I did not know what I
       was doing. The gophermap in that directory is a
       symlink to the main gophermap so as not to break
       20180307: Implemented search/filter on my
       phlog. Since I am not archiving it, and the
       listing could become burdensome, this is a nice
       alternative. I may end up linking directly to
       current year from my main gophermap. We'll see.
       20180304: In the last couple days got a
       gopher server up & running on my VPS. This
       is hosting the music related gopherhole.
       20180212: Changes to PDD (my phlog engine) and the
       script I use to write my phlog. Also relocated
       the atom feed script for the phlog to RPoD and
       modified it I did change the IDs. I apologize if
       this messes with your feed reader (look at me
       assuming people subscribe to my feed).
       20180211: After a protracted absence, I am
       back. Yesterday I posted a link to the Project
       Gutenberg rewrite and am seeking testers to poke
       holes in it to improve the code which is a WIP.
       20180116: New logo. Started work on the Gutenberg
       rewrite. The parsing code will be interesting...
       20180106: https://leveck.us is no longer merely
       a proxy for the gopherhole. It is now a plain
       looking personal page that links to the gopher
       proxy in addition to other things.
       20171217: Redid the site completely, after
       an email con- versation with Christopher
       Lohman. Split each section into its own
       gophermap. Put them into a directory named
       SECTION. The main gopermap just =cat
       20171216: Added GOPHER SEARCH section, included
       Contrition and The Gopher Lawn. Added GOPHER ENTRY
       POINT section. Added link to the Gopher Project.
       20171212: Backed up gopher and http servers to
       private git repos. > 61,000 files between the two,
       the vast majority in /var/gopher
       20171211: Added q to PROJECTS
       20171209: Changed the site header again. I love
       the ornate ASCII skull motif, but simple seems
       more "gophery"
       20171204: Added pinout diagram I made of Adafruit
       USB to TTL Serial Cable to the RASPBERRY PI
       section. Made the RPoD DocumentStore sourcecode
       available on the DocumentStore page. Also added
       some more description to the links in the LOCAL
       CONTENT section. Updated the site_information
       20171202: Added site_information text file in
       SITE INFO section. Added sitelog atom feed
       via https. Added sliderule section. Updated
       stagit-gopher I have taken to mirroring useful
       projects from other git servers to my own in
       addition to only hosting my own code. Part of my
       file hoarding initiative.
       20171201: Created favicons for a variety of
       platforms. So regardless of where you save a link
       to leveck.us, there will be a nifty icon.
       20171129: stripped the main gophermap of loose
       text. This involved some editting of the site's
       mySQL database -- I stil need to write a front
       end for that. phpMyAdmin is perfectly usable, but
       it is not convienient. My mySQL server is not
       accessible outside my home network so I have to
       run phpMyAdmin via VNC. Another project...
       20171126: wrote a new phlog script, it so greatly
       simplifies writing a phlog entry that I now have
       extra time on my hands... Also mirrored some vim
       plugins on my gogs server. Also uploaded to my
       git the sitelog atom script. They, and the phlog
       script have been updated via stagit. look in the
       20171125: updated my bookmark stash script,
       implemented password protection on the webserver,
       uploaded to git server, updated stagit ***
       implemented atom feed for this SiteLog implemented
       a weekly dd based backup of RPoD2. I can run
       manually in case of big changes. On my next set of
       off days, I want to craft a sollution that only
       copies files I specify and only uses standard
       commands so I am not tied to any software package
       that may or may not be maintained.
       20171124: updated LevPherCMS to 0.21, did
       some minor optimi- zation to code, compiled,
       installed. Posted to git, ran stagit. Section
       codebase finally released.
       20171123: wrote myself a bookmark stasher in bash,
       uploaded the code into my git. NOTE, the live code
       omits piping to ~/bm, but I do not want to include
       my live file location, so screw it, you get the
       idea... TODO: create an atom feed for this sitelog
       20171120: added gallery, just a place to put
       images. by the suggestion of Tomisino on mastodon,
       also hosting the phlog atom feed via gopher now.
       20171119: fixed the atom feed script now properly
       escaped in CDATA tags and functional in all
       clients I tested with. my phlog is syndicated at:
       20171118: wrote an autogeneration script to turn
       my phlog into an atom feed. It may not be 100%
       compliant, this is very much a fast and loose,
       embrionic state bit of code at the moment... It
       lives on sdf, and another script on RPoD runs
       it via ssh and scp's the atom feed to a public
       http directory which is linked to on the phlog
       page. NOTE: lynx sometimes chokes on type h
       pointing to https, so I point to http and let my
       webserver redirect.
       20171115: due to the unicode header
       art not showing correctly on some of
       my test clients/ devices, went back to
       straight ASCII also inspiration from here:
       33.txt got me thinking trad is the way to go.
       20171111: fixed the slashdot feeds slicing
       20171106: added slashdot feeds. haven't been a /.
       regular since the 90s, but they have tech content
       all in line and curl-able... inspired by the image
       upload on 70chan, wrote a document uploader in
       bash, using curl. my wife has termed it "an all
       text nerd pinterest" -- I'll take that. also phlog
       entry announcing it, and new link to 70chan, along
       with new chan section.
       20171105: phlog entry, wrote auto phlog shorty
       script: #!/bin/sh nof=$(date +%Y%m%d) cd
       gopher/dat nano $nof.post chmod 0644 $nof.post cd
       20171104: phlog entry, added Solene link, backend
       20171103: uploaded and linked new Cavernlord song
       20171102: modified LevPherCMS, added section
       table, ability to sort sections. *not* currently
       ready to release. TODO: add section view where
       only display section which is hotlink. an aweful
       lot of reshuffling and resorting, new section,
       20171101: OC skull ASCII art head/foot.
       20171029: ported stagit-gopher to standard \t
       delimited gophermap gen'd static pages pointing to
       the gits on https://leveck.us/git, added them to
       projects section. Pointed gutenberg link at the
       live gutenberg site.