This is an intro to <the software>, a gopher client as a web app.
       (It is also just a gopher map, and the rest assumes you are using <the
       There is a control panel at the bottom and towards the right of the
       Like any web application, you have to stay on the page for it to
       work.  It's a browser within a browser, this can be a bit confusing,
       and it can be tempting to use the web browser's controls.  The gopher
       controls are positioned to make this less tempting. 
       Here are some gopher links to get you going:
 (DIR) About <the software>
 (DIR) About Gopher
 (DIR) Why Gopher?
 (DIR) Gopherholes of Interest - some places you might visit
       Elsewhere in Gopherspace:
 (DIR) Search Gopher using Veronica-2
 (DIR) Random Gopher link
 (DIR) Mr. Childers's Gopher Starting Point
                                     Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on Debian/10 x86_64