Welcome to Raymii.org. On GopherSpace since 2019!
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                   Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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 (TXT) Read more about me and this site
 (DIR) Raymii.org Gopher RSS feed
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 (TXT) Fixing the hiss on my Atgames Legends Pinball Micro including root access (23-01-2024 22:00)
 (TXT) Which Root Certificates should you trust? Find out with CertInfo (01-01-2024 09:00)
 (TXT) YouLessQt, helps you align the YouLess to an analog electricity meter (16-9-2023 09:00)
 (TXT) A docker image for Qt 5.15 LTS for Android, including OpenSSL and the KDE patch collection (13-9-2023 22:00)
 (TXT) Drawing a Circle in Qt QML three different ways (05-07-2023 23:59)
 (TXT) Site update, self-hosted search via pagefind (01-07-2023 21:32)
 (TXT) My 24 year old HP Jornada can do things your modern iPhone still can't do! (15-06-2023 01:30)
 (TXT) Bare Metal Vi, boot into Vi without an OS! (22-04-2023 22:30)
 (TXT) OpenVMS 9.2 for x86, Installing HAProxy and troubleshooting UNIX file paths (19-04-2023 22:30)
 (TXT) OpenVMS 9.2 for x86, Getting Started part 3, the WebUI (16-04-2023 22:30)
 (TXT) OpenVMS 9.2 for x86, Getting Started part 2, auto boot, licenses, PAKs, networking and SSH (15-04-2023 22:30)
 (TXT) OpenVMS 9.2 for x86, Getting Started part 1, install guide with VirtualBox (11-04-2023 22:30)
 (TXT) OpenVMS 9.2 for x86 is finally available for hobbyists! (09-04-2023 23:59)
 (TXT) Site update, cookie consent popup (for a static site) (22-03-2023)
 (TXT) Named Booleans prevent C++ bugs and save you time (17-02-2023 20:21)
 (TXT) Johnnie 'QObject' Walker, replace a service locator pattern while you're at it (14-01-2023 04:30)
 (TXT) APT keeps complaining that the HTTPS certificate cannot be validated? (11-01-2023 05:31)
 (TXT) Leaf Node Monitoring v2023.01 released, major performance improvements, new layout and new checks! (05-01-2023)
 (TXT) Add moc includes to speed up Qt compilation (12-12-2022)
 (TXT) Spinrite 6.0 on UEFI and an NVMe SSD drive (03-11-2022 21:00)
 (TXT) OpenSSL generate self signed certificate with SAN in one command (subject alternative name) (14-10-2022 22:02)
 (TXT) Fade in / fade out in Qt/QML (19-08-2022 21:30)
 (TXT) Responsive Qt/QML layout coming to Leaf Node Monitoring (15-08-2022 21:00)
 (TXT) What's coming in the next version of Leaf Node Monitoring? (14-07-2022)
 (TXT) OpenVMS 9.2 for x86 will be released tomorrow (2022-07-14), so exciting! (13-07-2022)
 (TXT) Using a Windows Mobile 2003 PDA (HP iPAQ h4350) in 2022, including WhatsApp! (29-05-2022 01:30)
 (TXT) Qt/QML Property bindings break after a JavaScript assignment (19-05-2022 05:30)
 (TXT) HTTP GET requests with Qt and in Qml (async) (29-04-2022)
 (TXT) Selling my own GPL software part 3, prior art (existing GPL software for sale) (24-04-2022)
 (TXT) Proxmox VE 7 Corosync QDevice in a Docker container (17-04-2022)
 (TXT) Price of a guest post on dragonflydigest.com? (07-04-2022)
 (TXT) Build a WeatherTerminal app for the Seeed reTerminal (with Qt 6 & QML) (02-04-2022)
 (TXT) Yocto boot2qt for the Seeed reTerminal (Qt 6) (18-03-2022)
 (TXT) Qt 5.15.3 Open Source released (04-03-2022)
 (TXT) Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 eMMC flashing issue (nRPI_BOOT) (26-02-2022)
 (TXT) Execute a script in a Yocto package on every image build (22-02-2022)
 (TXT) Yocto boot2qt for the Raspberry Pi 4, both Qt 5.15 and 6.2 (21-02-2022)
 (TXT) Embed the source code directly in your Qt app with qmake and qrc, for GPL compliance (12-02-2022)
 (TXT) Log all Item properties and functions in Qml (09-02-2022)
 (TXT) Loop over all Repeater items or Delegate's in Qml (09-02-2022)
 (TXT) Thank you, shotternail! (08-02-2022)
 (TXT) QML Touch Area visualization with QML_VISUAL_TOUCH_DEBUGGING (07-02-2022)
 (TXT) QML Drag and Drop including reordering the C++ model (21-01-2022)
 (TXT) Selling my own GPL software, part 1: a lot of hurdles (24-12-2021)
 (TXT) The yearly backup restore test (05-11-2021)
 (TXT) Responsive QML Layout (with scrollbars) (05-10-2021)
 (TXT) Render markdown in a Qt QML Text or TextEdit control (04-10-2021)
 (TXT) Qt/QML: Expose C++ classes to QML and why setContextProperty is not the best idea (03-10-2021)
 (TXT) Expose any Qt5 program via VNC (20-09-2021)
 (TXT) Rectangle{} debugging in QML, just like printf(), but for QT (08-09-2021)
 (TXT) Relegendable keycaps for your macropad, the best thing ever for developer productivity (06-09-2021)
 (TXT) Install NetBSD 9.2 on a DEC Alpha CPU with AXPBox (28-08-2021)
 (TXT) Remote desktop on NetBSD with Xnest (no VNC) (22-08-2021)
 (TXT) Install NetBSD 9.2 on a DEC Alpha CPU in QEMU with X11 (18-08-2021)
 (TXT) Using IceWM and a Raspberry Pi as my main PC, sharing my theme, config and some tips and tricks. (10-07-2021)
 (TXT) Firefox 89 Proton UI Tab Styling (27-06-2021)
 (TXT) Execute a command and get both output and exit status in C++ (Windows & Linux) (07-06-2021)
 (TXT) Exclude lines in less (or journalctl) (23-05-2021)
 (TXT) All packages that were present in Ubuntu 18.04 but absent in Ubuntu 20.04 (19-05-2021)
 (TXT) I've packaged up CKermit as a snap, for Ubuntu 20.04 (16-05-2021)
 (TXT) It compiles does not always mean that it works, a tale of virtual overridden fun in C++ (12-05-2021)
 (TXT) Run MS Teams on a coffee machine?!? (Or: Embedded Linux Framebuffer VNC client) (08-04-2021)
 (TXT) Run one specific clang-tidy check on your entire codebase (05-04-2021)
 (TXT) Three ways to print booleans as 'True' or 'False' in C++ (21-03-2021)
 (TXT) Record your Linux Desktop with ffmpeg and slop to any format (17-03-2021)
 (TXT) Disable (debug) logging in QT and QML (27-02-2021)
 (TXT) QT / QML Signals and Slots with C++ (25-02-2021)
 (TXT) Limit specific process memory on desktop linux with cgroups and earlyoom (13-02-2021)
 (TXT) Reset the SYSTEM password on OpenVMS 8.4 (03-02-2021)
 (TXT) The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) is still developed and modern in 2021 (28-01-2021)
 (TXT) OpenVMS CDE Desktop Remote X session GUI (on AXPbox) (26-01-2021)
 (TXT) AXPbox version 1.0.0 released! (Open source Alpha emulator) (23-01-2021)
 (TXT) Site updates, new font for better contrast and other small CSS fixes (12-01-2021)
 (TXT) C++ std::async with a concurrency limit (via semaphores) (09-01-2021)
 (TXT) Lets talk about changelogs, or, how I loathe 'bugfixes and performance improvements' (02-01-2021)
 (TXT) Hacker News vs Lobste.rs in C++, an exercise in parsing json http api's and date/time/timezones (31-12-2020)
 (TXT) Bash HTTP monitoring dashboard (27-12-2020)
 (TXT) C++ set up cpp-httplib with SSL support with cMake (14-12-2020)
 (TXT) I've packaged up Gnash as a snap, for modern linux (07-12-2020)
 (TXT) Semi-accurate live stream viewer count (hls/rtmp/restreamer) on the command line (25-11-2020)
 (TXT) Installing OpenVMS 8.4 Alpha inside AXPbox on Debian 10 / Ubuntu 20.04 with networking (04-11-2020)
 (TXT) Exciting OpenVMS Alpha Emulation news, es40 has been forked to Axpbox (and works!) (28-10-2020)
 (TXT) I enforced the AGPL on my code, here's how it went (20-10-2020)
 (TXT) What does raymii.org cost to run? (27-09-2020)
 (TXT) Tiny Tiny RSS vs Miniflux (26-09-2020)
 (TXT) Store multiple types in a single std::map in C++ with std::any, just like a python dict (23-09-2020)
 (TXT) CookieNumberPrinter, incremental / idle game style numbers in C++ (12-09-2020)
 (TXT) Get all SSH public keys from gitlab (26-08-2020)
 (TXT) Get number of incoming connections on specific port with ss (25-08-2020)
 (TXT) Local incremental backups of Google Photos on Ubuntu with gphotos-sync (24-08-2020)
 (TXT) Get webcam resolution and info on Ubuntu and fix HD (23-08-2020)
 (TXT) Ubuntu Snap auto updates broke my development setup and there is no way to turn them off (01-08-2020)
 (TXT) The Twitter Bitcoin hack can happen anywhere humans are involved (31-07-2020)
 (TXT) C++ Remove leading or trailing characters from std::string (18-07-2020)
 (TXT) Running gnash on Ubuntu 20.04 (in Docker with X11 forwarding) (05-07-2020)
 (TXT) Installing PyGopherd on Ubuntu 20.04 (04-07-2020)
 (TXT) Generate QR code and write it to a PNG, scaled, in C++ (07-06-2020)
 (TXT) Github Actions, C++ with Boost and cmake, almost a 50% speedup with caching (27-05-2020)
 (TXT) I had to jailbreak my iPhone to change the default browser... (24-05-2020)
 (TXT) Here be dragons, or, invalidated iterators (03-05-2020)
 (TXT) C++ async, threads and user input (24-04-2020)
 (TXT) Personal Wireguard VPN on a Freedombox with Debian (03-02-2020)
 (TXT) Installing Freedombox on Armbian on the Olimex Pioneer (29-01-2020)
 (TXT) Cancellation notice: cipherli.st, txtn.ws, ssldecoder.org and certificatemonitor.org (22-01-2020)
 (TXT) Windows 10 updates with PowerShell (06-01-2020)
 (TXT) Run CLion native on Android, ditch your desktop! (27-12-2019)
 (TXT) Tiny Tiny RSS + Readability == The best way to read RSS feeds (22-12-2019)
 (TXT) ScreensaverStopper, stop activating the screensaver by sending F24 often (21-12-2019)
 (TXT) and & or are valid in C++ (alternative tokens) (16-12-2019)
 (TXT) Weight for Weight, a coding exercise that kept me busy (12-11-2019)
 (TXT) std::string to lowercase or uppercase in C++ (07-11-2019)
 (TXT) std::accumulate in C++ (23-10-2019)
 (TXT) Send commands or input to a detached screen session (02-10-2019)
 (TXT) C++ project setup with CMake & unit tests (google test) (01-10-2019)
 (TXT) Get serial port data on the web with live updating (28-09-2019)
 (TXT) Bash bits: split a file in blocks and do something with each block (02-09-2019)
 (TXT) Bash bits: find has a -delete flag (14-07-2019)
 (TXT) Only zero is false, everything else is true in C++ (12-07-2019)
 (TXT) GNUplot tips for nice looking charts from a CSV file (06-07-2019)
 (TXT) Gherkin 30% keyboard build log and review (29-06-2019)
 (TXT) connman operstate list (25-06-2019)
 (TXT) C++ template definitions in a .cpp file (instead of a header file) (22-06-2019)
 (TXT) C++ create and write to a CSV file with a variadic template (17-06-2019)
 (TXT) Dark Reader, dark mode for any website (15-06-2019)
 (TXT) Cooking with C++ templates and stronger types (13-06-2019)
 (TXT) C++ variadic template recursive example (08-06-2019)
 (TXT) C++ create and write to a CSV file (07-06-2019)
 (TXT) Retro PC Ads - 1975 Sphere 1 (29-05-2019)
 (TXT) Match dig server with systemd-resolvd server (23-05-2019)
 (TXT) Site updates, new layout (08-05-2019)
 (TXT) Bash Bits: Find all files containing specific text (and remove them) (07-05-2019)
 (TXT) Bash Bits: Randomize a cronjob to run between 00:00 and 06:00 hours (06-05-2019)
 (TXT) Bash Bits: Check if a program is installed (05-05-2019)
 (TXT) OpenSSL test TLSv1.3 connection and ciphersuites with s_client (28-04-2019)
 (TXT) totext.py - Convert URL or RSS feed to text with readability (18-04-2019)
 (TXT) Convert markdown inline links to reference style links with Pandoc (10-04-2019)
 (TXT) Building opkg .ipk packages by hand (for OpenEmbedded/Yocto/OpenWRT) (05-04-2019)
 (TXT) Where is dropbearconvert on Ubuntu? (02-04-2019)
 (TXT) Simple pygopherd log analyzer (20-03-2019)
 (TXT) Disable motd news or (parts of) the dynamic motd on Ubuntu (18-03-2019)
 (TXT) Site updates, raymii.org now also available on Gopher (10-03-2019)
 (TXT) SpaceCat Launchpad v2, an awesome cool little macropad (05-03-2019)
 (TXT) Viewing PDF, .docx and .odt files in mutt (as text) (03-03-2019)
 (TXT) Get a JSON value with bash and sed (26-02-2019)
 (TXT) My phone serves me 400+ ads and trackers per hour. Blokada, the best android adblocker, beats 'm all! (16-02-2019)
 (TXT) Split keyboards, a five year review including the ErgoDox EZ, Matias Ergo Pro and Kinesis Freestyle 2 (10-02-2019)
 (TXT) Sparkling Network (12-01-2019)
 (TXT) SSH on Windows Server 2019 (including how to sudo) (18-12-2018)
 (TXT) Line total (up+down sum) in PHP Network Weathermap (13-11-2018)
 (TXT) Three new NitroKeys! Nitrokey Pro 2, Storage 2 and a FIDO-U2F Nitrokey (08-11-2018)
 (TXT) Use Ubuntu behind a Microsoft ForeFront TMG proxy with cntlm (27-10-2018)
 (TXT) Encrypt and decrypt files to public keys via the OpenSSL Command Line (25-10-2018)
 (TXT) Find files in tar archives and extract specific files from tar archives (17-10-2018)
 (TXT) Reddit Gold for Caldera Openlinux 1.2 (26-09-2018)
 (TXT) Service checks in LibreNMS (http, all other Nagios plugins) (10-09-2018)
 (TXT) tping - ping with a timestamp (03-09-2018)
 (TXT) Linux on Microsoft Azure? Disable this built-in root-access backdoor (wa-linux-agent) (22-08-2018)
 (TXT) Python script to talk to LibreNMS API and get alerts and hosts (08-08-2018)
 (TXT) nginx 1.15.2, ssl_preread_protocol, multiplex HTTPS and SSH on the same port (06-08-2018)
 (TXT) Site updates for accessibility, text only pages and skip to main content (01-08-2018)
 (TXT) Send email with multiple inline images via bash with a loop (23-07-2018)
 (TXT) log_vcs - Ansible callback plugin that creates VCS (git) branches for every Ansible run (10-07-2018)
 (TXT) Windows 7 installer on a KVM Linux VPS (Windows on Digital Ocean) (01-07-2018)
 (TXT) Syslog configuration for remote logservers for syslog-ng and rsyslog, both client and server (21-06-2018)
 (TXT) snap install mosaic, the first graphical webbrowser on Ubuntu (14-06-2018)
 (TXT) Chrome 68 is depcrecating HPKP (HTTP Public Key Pinning) (12-06-2018)
 (TXT) That time when one of my HP-UX servers lost half of it's RAM (and how to connect to an HP iLO 2 with modern OpenSSH (7.6+)) (06-06-2018)
 (TXT) GPG noninteractive batch sign, trust and send gnupg keys (01-06-2018)
 (TXT) HP-UX 11.31 System information and find out part number of a failed disk with sasmgr (18-05-2018)
 (TXT) Icinga2 / Nagios / Net::SNMP change the default timeout of 60 seconds (16-05-2018)
 (TXT) Multiple passwords for one user, UIC uniqueness and the system password on OpenVMS (13-05-2018)
 (TXT) Mount ISO and execute scripts on OpenVMS (08-05-2018)
 (TXT) File locking, grep and process killing on OpenVMS (06-05-2018)
 (TXT) Site updates, new layout for overview pages (04-05-2018)
 (TXT) The sad state of Alpha emulators (for OpenVMS) (30-04-2018)
 (TXT) Introducing the Yubikey Nano XL Rugged edition (27-04-2018)
 (TXT) Installing the es40 AlphaServer emulator 0.18 on Ubuntu 16.04, and trying to install OpenVMS 8.4 on es40 (24-04-2018)
 (TXT) Small OpenVMS titbits (22-04-2018)
 (TXT) Ansible - add apt_key inline (19-04-2018)
 (TXT) OpenVMS 7.3 install log with simh VAX on Ubuntu 16.04 (16-04-2018)
 (TXT) File versioning and deleting on OpenVMS with DELETE and PURGE (15-04-2018)
 (TXT) Synergy, no mouse cursor on Ubuntu 17.10 (11-04-2018)
 (TXT) FreeIPA DNS workaround for DNS zone [...]. already exists in DNS and is handled by server(s): (10-04-2018)
 (TXT) Backspace and delete key behaviour on OpenVMS (09-04-2018)
 (TXT) SSH public key authentication on OpenVMS (05-04-2018)
 (TXT) Delete a directory on OpenVMS (03-04-2018)
 (TXT) Mail on OpenVMS (01-04-2018)
 (TXT) My first OpenVMS (31-03-2018)
 (TXT) OpenStack nova get-password, set-password and post encrypted password to metadata service (25-03-2018)
 (TXT) Essential Monitoring checks (20-03-2018)
 (TXT) My Yubikey broke, but I had a backup. So should you with your 2FA (18-03-2018)
 (TXT) haproxy: restrict specific URLs to specific IP addresses (04-03-2018)
 (TXT) Dell PowerEdge firmware upgrades via iDrac (26-01-2018)
 (TXT) ncdu - for troubleshooting diskspace and inode issues (29-10-2017)
 (TXT) Adding IPv6 to a keepalived and haproxy cluster (24-09-2017)
 (TXT) atop is broken on Ubuntu 16.04 (version 1.26): trap divide error (18-09-2017)
 (TXT) Backup OpenStack object store or S3 with rclone (17-08-2017)
 (TXT) Openstack Horizon, remove the loading modal with uBlock Origin (25-05-2017)
 (TXT) Distributed load testing with Tsung (13-04-2017)
 (TXT) Run software on the tty1 console instead of getty login on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 (10-04-2017)
 (TXT) Check HTTP status code for a page on all DNS records (09-04-2017)
 (TXT) Burn in testing for new Hypervisor and Storage server hardware (08-04-2017)
 (TXT) Openstack Soft Delete - recover deleted instances (18-03-2017)
 (TXT) Running WPS-8 (Word Processing System) on the DEC(mate) PDP-8i and SIMH (09-03-2017)
 (TXT) Traceroute IPv6 to Smokeping Target config (05-03-2017)
 (TXT) Ansible: access group vars for groups the current host is not a member of (27-01-2017)
 (TXT) OpenStack: Quick and automatic instance snapshot backup and restore (and before an apt upgrade) with nova backup (20-12-2016)
 (TXT) Create a PDP-8 OS8 RK05 system disk from RX01 floppies with SIMH (and get text files in and out of the PDP-8) (07-12-2016)
 (TXT) Overflow the Investigatory Powers Bill! (24-11-2016)
 (TXT) Build a FreeBSD 11.0-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit (14-11-2016)
 (TXT) Nitrokey gnuk firmware update via DFU (11-10-2016)
 (TXT) MySQL restore after a crash and disk issues (10-10-2016)
 (TXT) Firefox History stats with Bash (25-09-2016)
 (TXT) Create /etc/shadow crypted password entries (23-09-2016)
 (TXT) Mouse movement via the keyboard with xdotool and xbindkeys (13-09-2016)
 (TXT) IPSEC VPN on Ubuntu 16.04 with StrongSwan (12-09-2016)
 (TXT) Nagios 4 + Nagiosgraph (latest) installation on Ubuntu 12.04 & 14.04 (11-09-2016)
 (TXT) Ansible - Create OpenStack servers with Ansible 2.0 and the os_server module and a dynamic inventory (10-09-2016)
 (TXT) FST-01 gnuk firmware update via USB (09-09-2016)
 (TXT) Ansible - create playbooks and role file and folder structure (08-09-2016)
 (TXT) Reset iptables to ACCEPT all (backup and remove all existing rules) (03-09-2016)
 (TXT) Nitrokey Start: Getting started guide (gnuk openpgp token) (14-08-2016)
 (TXT) Nitrokey HSM/SmartCard-HSM and Raspberry Pi web cluster (01-08-2016)
 (TXT) Raspberry Pi unattended upgrade Raspbian to Debian Testing (27-07-2016)
 (TXT) Storing arbitraty data in the Nitrokey HSM/SmartCard-HSM with Elementary Files (EF) (17-07-2016)
 (TXT) Use the Nitrokey HSM or SmartCard-HSM with sc-hsm-embedded, mod_nss and Apache (read only module) (15-07-2016)
 (TXT) Decrypt/Extract Nitrokey HSM/SmartCard-HSM RSA private keys (13-07-2016)
 (TXT) Use the Nitrokey HSM or SmartCard-HSM with mod_nss and Apache (21-06-2016)
 (TXT) Get started with the Nitrokey HSM or SmartCard-HSM (19-06-2016)
 (TXT) HTTP Strict Transport Security for Apache, NGINX and Lighttpd (17-06-2016)
 (TXT) Toggling in a simple program DEC PDP-8 and PiDP-8 using the switch register (08-06-2016)
 (TXT) Ansible - Add an apt-repository on Debian and Ubuntu (15-05-2016)
 (TXT) Migrating personal webapps and services (05-05-2016)
 (TXT) Build a FreeBSD 10.3-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit (27-04-2016)
 (TXT) IPv6 in a Docker container on a non-ipv6 network (12-04-2016)
 (TXT) Active Directory and Exchange Command Line Powershell (27-02-2016)
 (TXT) Let's Encrypt with DirectAdmin, now built in! (24-02-2016)
 (TXT) Ansible playbook for GoAccess Log Analyzer (17-01-2016)
 (TXT) Deborphan cleanup until no more orphaned packages left (11-01-2016)
 (TXT) Microsoft Office 2013 and 2010 on Linux (02-01-2016)
 (TXT) Recursively find all [installed] package dependencies (31-12-2015)
 (TXT) IPSEC VPN on Ubuntu 15.04 with StrongSwan (20-12-2015)
 (TXT) IPSEC VPN on Ubuntu 15.10 with StrongSwan (20-12-2015)
 (TXT) Forward or save outgoing email with Exim (16-12-2015)
 (TXT) Generate hashes of files with rhash for archival storage (11-12-2015)
 (TXT) Linux Containers (12-11-2015)
 (TXT) Sign and verify text/files to public keys via the OpenSSL Command Line (09-11-2015)
 (TXT) Make OpenELEC/Kodi work with the Sitecom CN-524/ Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR) 8510 A10 Bluetooth USB adapter on the Raspberry Pi. (01-10-2015)
 (TXT) Install Ubuntu Linux on the LG Chromebase (03-08-2015)
 (TXT) Running TSS/8 on the DEC PiDP-8/i and SIMH (26-07-2015)
 (TXT) Running Adventure on the DEC PDP-8 with SIMH (23-07-2015)
 (TXT) Find all services using libssl to restart after an OpenSSL update (14-07-2015)
 (TXT) Strong SSL Security on nginx (14-06-2015)
 (TXT) Strong SSL Security on Apache2 (14-06-2015)
 (TXT) Strong SSL Security on lighttpd (14-06-2015)
 (TXT) Openstack - (Manually) migrating (KVM) Nova compute virtual machines (13-06-2015)
 (TXT) The awesomely epic guide to KDE (04-05-2015)
 (TXT) Filing Effective Bug Reports (03-05-2015)
 (TXT) Raspberry Pi Arcade Machine (03-05-2015)
 (TXT) systemd: Don't fear change (25-03-2015)
 (TXT) Keep messages secure with GPG (22-03-2015)
 (TXT) OpenSSL: Manually verify a certificate against a CRL (22-03-2015)
 (TXT) How I got a valid SSL certificate for my ISP's main domain, xs4all.nl (21-03-2015)
 (TXT) Olimex OlinuXino A20 LIME2 mainline 4.0.0 kernel, u-boot and debian rootfs image building tutorial (21-03-2015)
 (TXT) Automating Openstack with cloud init run a script on VM's first boot (11-03-2015)
 (TXT) Ada Lovelace and The Analytical Engine (09-03-2015)
 (TXT) Build a Flexible and Powerful System with Arch Linux (09-03-2015)
 (TXT) Euclid's algorithm: recursion and python (08-03-2015)
 (TXT) Example (08-03-2015)
 (TXT) Solve word puzzles with bash (08-03-2015)
 (TXT) OpenSSL command line Root and Intermediate CA including OCSP, CRL and revocation (03-03-2015)
 (TXT) Openstack Glance Image Download, download Openstack images (25-02-2015)
 (TXT) Remove Installatron from a (Directadmin) server (08-02-2015)
 (TXT) Installing Virtual Machines with virt-install, plus copy pastable distro install one-liners (08-02-2015)
 (TXT) Raspberry Pi FM radio transmitter with Buttons (04-02-2015)
 (TXT) Olimex OlinuXino A20 LIME2 Minimal Debian 7 Image (28-01-2015)
 (TXT) OpenVZ/Proxmox - pre-backup all container dump script (18-01-2015)
 (TXT) Filtering IMAP mail with imapfilter (17-01-2015)
 (TXT) Let's Encrypt with DirectAdmin or other Web Control Panels (11-1-2015)
 (TXT) Broken Corrupted Raspberry Pi SD Card (09-01-2015)
 (TXT) Shared Git repository over ssh for multiple users (05-01-2015)
 (TXT) Get all IP ranges from an AS number (04-01-2015)
 (TXT) pfSense allow web interface access on WAN from specific IP (31-12-2014)
 (TXT) IPSEC VPN on Centos 7 with StrongSwan (30-12-2014)
 (TXT) HTTP Public Key Pinning Extension HPKP for Apache, NGINX and Lighttpd (30-12-2014)
 (TXT) Arch Linux AUR PKGBUILD generate new checksums (29-12-2014)
 (TXT) Ansible - Only if a file exists or does not exist (27-12-2014)
 (TXT) Fix inconsistent Openstack volumes and instances from Cinder and Nova via the database (22-12-2014)
 (TXT) Clear Uncluttered SSH client config with Ansible (21-12-2014)
 (TXT) Olimex OlinuXino a10 Lime uBoot, Kernel and root image guide (20-12-2014)
 (TXT) ingsoc (02-12-2014)
 (TXT) IPSEC L2TP VPN on CentOS 6 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 / Scientific Linux 6 (01-12-2014)
 (TXT) IPSEC L2TP VPN on Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and ppp (01-12-2014)
 (TXT) IPSEC L2TP VPN on Ubuntu 12.04 with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and ppp (01-12-2014)
 (TXT) IPSEC L2TP VPN on Ubuntu 13.10 with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and ppp (01-12-2014)
 (TXT) IPSEC L2TP VPN on Ubuntu 13.04 with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and ppp (01-12-2014)
 (TXT) IPSEC L2TP VPN on Ubuntu 14.04 with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and ppp (01-12-2014)
 (TXT) IPSEC L2TP VPN on Ubuntu 12.10 with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and ppp (01-12-2014)
 (TXT) Openstack Affinity Groups, make sure instances are on the same or different compute hypervisor hosts (29-11-2014)
 (TXT) Ansible - Only if host is also in other hostgroup (25-11-2014)
 (TXT) Build a FreeBSD 10.1-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit (23-11-2014)
 (TXT) OpenSSL Decoder Script (15-11-2014)
 (TXT) Ansible - Only do action if on specific distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS or RHEL) or distribution version (ubuntu precise, ubuntu trusty) (09-11-2014)
 (TXT) OpenSSL Command Generator (08-11-2014)
 (TXT) Olimex OlinuXino a10 Lime Minimal Debian 7 Image (31-10-2014)
 (TXT) Keepalived notify script, execute action on failover (26-10-2014)
 (TXT) Check and Fix SSL servers for SSLv3 connections or the Poodle CVE-2014-3566 bug (14-10-2014)
 (TXT) Configserver Firewall and Security (CSF and LFD) (12-10-2014)
 (TXT) Patch Shellshock)with Ansible (24-09-2014)
 (TXT) Boot to Vim, Vim as Pid 1 (18-09-2014)
 (TXT) Statically (cross) compiled vim for x86, x86-64 and mipsel (17-09-2014)
 (TXT) Owncloud, DirectAdmin, Apache 2.4 and Error AH01797: client denied by server configuration (15-09-2014)
 (TXT) Set your IP as wallpaper (14-09-2014)
 (TXT) foaas.sh - Command Line Fuck Off as a Service client (08-09-2014)
 (TXT) Get the current or all Firefox tab urls in Bash (01-09-2014)
 (TXT) Build a $35 Time Capsule - Raspberry Pi Time Machine Backup Server (29-08-2014)
 (TXT) Building HA Clusters with Ansible and Openstack (25-07-2014)
 (TXT) OpenVZ/Proxmox - Container to Template (11-07-2014)
 (TXT) Proxmox VE - One Public IP (10-07-2014)
 (TXT) CentOS 5 CA Certificate Bundle Update (06-07-2014)
 (TXT) Traceroute to Smokeping Target config (28-06-2014)
 (TXT) Simple keepalived failover setup on Ubuntu 14.04 (13-06-2014)
 (TXT) Build a FreeBSD 10.0-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit (11-06-2014)
 (TXT) OSSEC 2.8 Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard Installation tutorial (11-06-2014)
 (TXT) Openstack Horizon installation with SSL on Ubuntu (29-05-2014)
 (TXT) Openstack Swift Objectstore Access via FTP (25-05-2014)
 (TXT) Encrypted Duplicity Backups to Openstack Swift Objectstore (19-05-2014)
 (TXT) IPv6 at Home (03-05-2014)
 (TXT) Transmission Web on a Raspberry Pi with Arch Linux (28-04-2014)
 (TXT) FreeBSD 10, Converting from RELEASE to STABLE  (17-04-2014)
 (TXT) Linux software raid, rebuilding broken raid 1 (14-04-2014)
 (TXT) FreeBSD Ports: remove config options (09-04-2014)
 (TXT) OpenSSL: Manually verify a certificate against an OCSP (07-04-2014)
 (TXT) Chef: overwrite templates in wrapper-cookbooks (02-04-2014)
 (TXT) Chef: chef_gem vs gem_package and ORDER (01-04-2014)
 (TXT) OS X: Remove all Apple Remote Dekstop settings (14-03-2014)
 (TXT) 3D modeling a real world object in OpenSCAD (02-03-2014)
 (TXT) KVM add disk image or swap image to virtual machine with virsh (23-02-2014)
 (TXT) KVM convert qcow2 disk images to raw disk images for performance (16-02-2014)
 (TXT) KVM host with bonding and VLAN tagged Virtual Machines setup on Ubuntu 12.04 (15-02-2014)
 (TXT) Bonding NIC Teaming on Ubuntu 12.04 (14-02-2014)
 (TXT) Install extra software in the VMWare vCenter Appliance (VCSA) (05-02-2014)
 (TXT) OpenSSL: Get all certificates from a website in plain text (04-02-2014)
 (TXT) OCSP Stapling on Apache (03-02-2014)
 (TXT) OCSP Stapling on nginx (03-02-2014)
 (TXT) haproxy: intercept all cookies and set secure attribute (01-02-2014)
 (TXT) Check if passwordless sudo can be used in a bash script or nagios check (30-01-2014)
 (TXT) Remove unused CentOS/Red Hat kernels (18-01-2014)
 (TXT) rc.local support on Arch Linux with systemd (13-01-2014)
 (TXT) Ansible Inventory from VMWare (06-01-2014)
 (TXT) Bash Bits: Simple command line arguments (30-12-2013)
 (TXT) Ansible - Playbook Testing (29-12-2013)
 (TXT) Local W3C HTML5 Validator Server (27-12-2013)
 (TXT) Ansible - Only do something if another action changed (22-12-2013)
 (TXT) Ansible - Sudo sometimes (21-12-2013)
 (TXT) haproxy: client side ssl certificates (18-12-2013)
 (TXT) Apache access/error log to syslog (15-12-2013)
 (TXT) Back Up Thunderbird Message Filters (15-12-2013)
 (TXT) Install nmap 6.40 on Ubuntu 12.04 (13-12-2013)
 (TXT) haproxy: set specific ssl ciphers (12-12-2013)
 (TXT) haproxy: add strict transport security or any other http header (11-12-2013)
 (TXT) haproxy: ssl backends (10-12-2013)
 (TXT) haproxy: redirect to ssl or other website (09-12-2013)
 (TXT) ntop-ng 1.1 installation on Ubuntu 12.04 (29-11-2013)
 (TXT) Corosync Pacemaker - Execute script on failover (20-11-2013)
 (TXT) DigitalOcean Sucks. Use DigitalOcean! (19-11-2013)
 (TXT) NoPriv.py - Easy IMAP Email Backup. (17-11-2013)
 (TXT) Self Hosted CryptoCat - Secure self hosted multiuser webchat (09-11-2013)
 (TXT) Corosync Notes (02-11-2013)
 (TXT) Remove unused Ubuntu kernels (28-10-2013)
 (TXT) Install the latest ZNC from source on Ubuntu (25-10-2013)
 (TXT) Set up your own truly secure, encrypted and shared file synchronization, aka Dropbox clone (15-10-2013)
 (TXT) OpenSSL One liner to create self signed certificate (09-10-2013)
 (TXT) Chef: search in recipe based on roles or recipes (08-10-2013)
 (TXT) Chef: include_recipe only_if or not_if (06-10-2013)
 (TXT) Uninstall and Remove OSSEC (01-10-2013)
 (TXT) Bash Bits: Check if item is in array (21-09-2013)
 (TXT) Bash Bits: Add colour output to your script (18-09-2013)
 (TXT) Bash Bits: Debug Logging (15-09-2013)
 (TXT) Bash Bits: Trap Control C (SIGTERM) (14-09-2013)
 (TXT) OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard Installation tutorial (07-09-2013)
 (TXT) OS X - Enable access for assistive devices via the command line (03-09-2013)
 (TXT) OS X - Applescript to lock date and time preference panel to fix local sudo exploit (02-09-2013)
 (TXT) IPv4 Address Conversion Tricks (01-09-2013)
 (TXT) OpenVZ dnsmasq set capabilities failed fix (14-08-2013)
 (TXT) Bind DNS Query Graph Charts with GNUPlot (13-08-2013)
 (TXT) Microsoft Exchange / Active Directory Powershell script to notify users of expiring Passwords (08-08-2013)
 (TXT) Nagios - Hide all hosts in hostgroup (30-07-2013)
 (TXT) Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Dutch Notes and Example (28-07-2013)
 (TXT) OpenSSL - Generate Psuedo Random Passwords (26-07-2013)
 (TXT) Stong SSL Security on Lighttpd (24-07-2013)
 (TXT) My Todo.txt Workflow, including Unison, Todour and Android (24-07-2013)
 (TXT) Pass the SSL Labs Test on NGINX (Mitigate the CRIME and BEAST attack, Disable SSLv2 and Enable Perfect Forward Secrecy). (23-07-2013)
 (TXT) Pass the SSL Labs Test on Apache2 (Mitigate the CRIME and BEAST attack, Disable SSLv2 and Enable Perfect Forward Secrecy). (20-07-2013)
 (TXT) OS X: Disable Notification Center (10-07-2013)
 (TXT) bdsh - Whitelist Restricted Shell (29-06-2013)
 (TXT) Strip all non-ascii characters from a file (27-06-2013)
 (TXT) Samba Shares with Active Directory Login on Ubuntu 12.04 (27-06-2013)
 (TXT) Bash Incremental History Search / Autocomplete  (26-06-2013)
 (TXT) Dogtag / Red Hat Certificate System reset admin pkiconsole password (19-06-2013)
 (TXT) Ejabberd SSL Certificate (13-06-2013)
 (TXT) Ejabberd Active Directory LDAP Login (12-06-2013)
 (TXT) Set up a federated XMPP Chat Network with ejabberd, your own Google Talk Hangouts alternative (11-06-2013)
 (TXT) OS X - Turn Bonjour off or on via the command line (04-06-2013)
 (TXT) OS X - Turn off sleep from the command line (03-06-2013)
 (TXT) OS X - Create Hardware report SPX and save it to a AFP share (02-06-2013)
 (TXT) Gitlab Active Directory LDAP Authentication (28-05-2013)
 (TXT) OS X: Turn firewall on or off from the command line (10-05-2013)
 (TXT) Exchange 2007 and 2010 Autodiscovery DNS SRV record for BIND (09-05-2013)
 (TXT) Hide or determine BIND version number (08-05-2013)
 (TXT) Nagios plugin to check an OCSP server (06-05-2013)
 (TXT) Nagios plugin to check Safenet HSM (03-05-2013)
 (TXT) Nagios plugin to check CRL expiry in minutes (02-05-2013)
 (TXT) Join Mac OS X to an Active Directory / OpenDLAP directory from the commandline (02-05-2013)
 (TXT) HP ILO - Quickly gather ILO version and firmware information via CURL (13-04-2013)
 (TXT) Munin plugin to show Logstash/Kibana messages per hour (12-04-2013)
 (TXT) Set up a Collectd client (09-04-2013)
 (TXT) Set up a Collectd server with web frontend (09-04-2013)
 (TXT) NGINX: Proxy folders to different root (04-04-2013)
 (TXT) Silent unatended apt-get upgrade (30-03-2013)
 (TXT) Ansible - sudoers safety and sanity checking in playbook (23-03-2013)
 (TXT) NGINX: Catch all error codes (13-03-2013)
 (TXT) NGINX: Hide / Block .git and .svn folders (13-03-2013)
 (TXT) Ansible - pure ssh based configuration management and deployment (09-03-2013)
 (TXT) Hosted Piwik (09-03-2013)
 (TXT) Screenfetch installation tutorial (09-03-2013)
 (TXT) Better Cron env and shell control with the SHELL variable (08-03-2013)
 (TXT) Word occurrence counter and analyzer (07-03-2013)
 (TXT) Create a VMWare ESXi 5  5.1 5.5 USB install disk (27-02-2013)
 (TXT) Basic website and database backups with Duplicity (15-02-2013)
 (TXT) Systemd rosetta / cheatsheet (10-02-2013)
 (TXT) OpenSSL match certificate and private key (09-02-2013)
 (TXT) OpenSSL Generate CSR non-interactive (09-02-2013)
 (TXT) Munin - Fix MySQL plugin on Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian 6 (02-02-2013)
 (TXT) Munin - Set up the NGINX status plugin on Ubuntu 12.04 (31-01-2013)
 (TXT) Exploring /proc/ - tips and tricks for the procfs (28-01-2013)
 (TXT) OpenSSL one liner to get expiry date from SSL Certificate of any website (23-01-2013)
 (TXT) Fix CentOS IPTables rule saving (iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables: /etc/init.d/iptables: line 274: restorecon: command not found) (23-01-2013)
 (TXT) Restrict SSH (20-01-2013)
 (TXT) RT (Request Tracker) - find and delete big attachments (17-01-2013)
 (TXT) Install python 2.7 or 3 under Debian 6 (15-01-2013)
 (TXT) Ruby script to upload or convert a Maildir Inbox to an IMAP server (01-01-2013)
 (TXT) Python script to monitor a file for changes and then mail the report with the file attached. (21-12-2012)
 (TXT) Exchange 2010 - OWA - Lock user after x amount of failed logins (19-12-2012)
 (TXT) Restore iptables rules after a reboot on debian (12-12-2012)
 (TXT) CIDR Cheatsheet (11-12-2012)
 (TXT) Resize OS X Mountain Lion installer to fit on a single layer 4.7 GB DVD (11-12-2012)
 (TXT) Munin optimization guide for Debian (rrdcached, tmpfs, ionice and nice) (08-12-2012)
 (TXT) Set OS X hostname from the commandline (05-12-2012)
 (TXT) ClamAV installation and daily scan + report on Ubuntu (01-12-2012)
 (TXT) Limit access to openssh features with the Match option (24-11-2012)
 (TXT) Set up your own distributed, redundant, and encrypted storage grid with Tahoe-LAFS (08-11-2012)
 (TXT) Git-clean (08-11-2012)
 (TXT) Small low cost linux pc's, an overview from 11-2012 (07-11-2012)
 (TXT) Ray-Mon - PHP and Bash server status monitoring (22-10-2012)
 (TXT) Codename Geld (15-10-2012)
 (TXT) ed cheatsheet (06-10-2012)
 (TXT) Persistent reverse (NAT bypassing) SSH tunnel access with autossh (05-10-2012)
 (TXT) Nagios plugin to check certificates on local file system (24-09-2012)
 (TXT) NutsManager (15-09-2012)
 (TXT) PHP Task/Todo list (12-09-2012)
 (TXT) Complete word count analysis of Security Now, episode 1 trough 370. (09-09-2012)
 (TXT) Correctly grep and display the uptime, load average and amount of users (06-09-2012)
 (TXT) Packages (02-09-2012)
 (TXT) Tiny Tiny RSS (01-09-2012)
 (TXT) Wallbase.cc commandline bash wget downloader (22-07-2012)
 (TXT) Small Operating Systems / Linux Distributions (09-07-2012)
 (TXT) Postfix snippets - not finished (09-07-2012)
 (TXT) ProxBash - a bash script to manage Proxmox VE (28-06-2012)
 (TXT) Ubuntu/Debian update mailer (10-06-2012)
 (TXT) Terrible Start (07-06-2012)
 (TXT) Bash - do something in every subdirectory (16-05-2012)
 (TXT) Bash script to list all changed files in certain period (13-05-2012)
 (TXT) Set up a local Ubuntu (apt) repository with apt-mirror (28-03-2012)
 (TXT) NurseCalc o2 - Bash script and online app for Oxygen Calculations (12-02-2012)
 (TXT) NurseCalc Infuus - Bash script and Online app for infusion and drip (speed) Calculations  (01-02-2012)
 (TXT) Some Bash and Arch Tweaks  (01-01-2012)
 (TXT) MagicProg: Magic the Gathering (RPG/TGC) Life Program  (27-12-2011)
 (TXT) Chrome Extensions for Privacy, Adblocking and anti-tracking (01-09-2011)
 (TXT) Stopping fail2ban.server : ERROR Unexpected communication error and other errors in fail2ban on ubuntu 9.04 (23-06-2011)
 (TXT) Introduction to DokuWiki (15-06-2011)
 (TXT) Introduction to Markdown (12-06-2011)
 (TXT) Tether your Sonim XP3 phone with Linux (08-02-2011)
 (TXT) What to do if you cannot execute CHMOD (15-05-2010)
 (TXT) Debian packages clean up commands (01-01-2010)
 (TXT) NoPriv.py - Easy IMAP email backup to HTML archive. (01-01-2010)
 (TXT) Customize your Clonezilla Live CD (01-01-2010)
 (TXT) EasyConverter (23-12-2009)
 (TXT) SSHdialog (26-10-2009)
 (TXT) Clonezilla Backup Script v0.2 (18-05-2009)
 (TXT) Postfix: log message from, to and subject (28-03-2009)
 (TXT) Bash script for massive rename to numbers (14-09-2008)
 (TXT) Javascript tricks (08-07-2008)
 (TXT) Convert FLV's to MP3 (15-06-2008)
 (TXT) Setting up Motion with FTP and Email! support (09-04-2008)
 (TXT) Bash ja/nee keuze (03-02-2008)
 (TXT) Imagemagick thumbnailer (29-11-2007)
 (TXT) Vim Cheatsheet (01-01-2007)
 (TXT) RET Metro Type T SG/2 (02-01-2006)
 (TXT) RET Metro Type M MG/2 (02-01-2006)
 (TXT) RET Metro ZUB (02-01-2006)
 (TXT) RET Metro ATB (02-01-2006)
 (TXT) About (01-01-2006)
 (DIR) This server runs on Pygopherd