tauto indent - cosmo - front and backend for Markov-Chain Monte Carlo inversion of cosmogenic nuclide concentrations
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 (DIR) commit 2c2e64edc6a4ff20b7ced2fd89aac4228e276817
 (DIR) parent acc981ec7c797ca4cf883e70a2dad4f9cecd1dcf
 (HTM) Author: Anders Damsgaard <anders.damsgaard@geo.au.dk>
       Date:   Wed, 21 Oct 2015 11:01:49 +0200
       auto indent
         M matlab/mcmc_inversion.m             |     354 ++++++++++++++++----------------
       1 file changed, 177 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/matlab/mcmc_inversion.m b/matlab/mcmc_inversion.m
       t@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function [Ss, save_file] = mcmc_inversion(matlab_scripts_folder, debug, ...
        beeps = false;
       -%clear; close all; 
       +%clear; close all;
        format compact;
        %Set path so that we can find other required m-files
       t@@ -24,177 +24,177 @@ addpath(matlab_scripts_folder)
        fs.g_case = 'CosmoLongsteps'; %must match a case in function gz = linspace(0,10,100);
       -switch fs.g_case   
       -  case 'CosmoLongsteps'
       -    %>......... The observations and observation errors:
       -    %fs.Nucleides = {'10Be','26Al','14C','21Ne'}; %We may switch nucleides on and off
       -    %fs.Nucleides = {'10Be','26Al'}; %We may switch nucleides on and off
       -    fs.Nucleides = {};
       -    fs.RelErrorObs = [];
       -    concentrations = [];
       -    if be_conc > 0.
       -        fs.Nucleides = [fs.Nucleides '10Be'];
       -        fs.RelErrorObs = [fs.RelErrorObs be_uncer];
       -        concentrations = [concentrations be_conc];
       -    end
       -    if al_conc > 0.
       -        fs.Nucleides = [fs.Nucleides '26Al'];
       -        fs.RelErrorObs = [fs.RelErrorObs al_uncer];
       -        concentrations = [concentrations al_conc];
       -    end
       -    if c_conc > 0.
       -        fs.Nucleides = [fs.Nucleides '14C'];
       -        fs.RelErrorObs = [fs.RelErrorObs c_uncer];
       -        concentrations = [concentrations c_conc];
       -    end
       -    if ne_conc > 0.
       -        fs.Nucleides = [fs.Nucleides '21Ne'];
       -        fs.RelErrorObs = [fs.RelErrorObs ne_uncer];
       -        concentrations = [concentrations ne_conc];
       -    end
       -%     fs.RelErrorObs = 0.02;%0.02; %0.02 means 2% observational error
       -%    fs.RelErrorObs = 0.01*[2.0;2.04]';%0.02; %0.02 means 2% observational error
       -    % one depth per nuclide or not?
       -    fs.zobs = [0]; %Depths where nucleides are observed
       -%    fs.zobs = [0,0.3,1,3,10]; %Depths where nucleides are observed
       -    if debug
       -        disp(fs.Nucleides)
       -    end
       -    %fs.dobsMode = 'SyntheticNoNoise'; %'SyntheticNoNoise','SyntheticAndNoise','ObservedData'
       -    fs.dobsMode = 'ObservedData'; %'SyntheticNoNoise','SyntheticAndNoise','ObservedData'
       -    if strcmp(fs.dobsMode,'ObservedData')
       -        fs.d_obs = [];
       -        %fs.d_obs = repmat([5.3e8;3.7e9]',length(fs.zobs),1); %<<<<<< put in values as best you can
       -        fs.d_obs = repmat(concentrations',length(fs.zobs),1);
       -        fs.d_obs = fs.d_obs(:);
       -    end
       -    if length(fs.RelErrorObs) == 1
       -        fs.RelErrorObs = fs.RelErrorObs*ones(size(fs.Nucleides)); %extend to vector
       -    elseif length(fs.RelErrorObs) == length(fs.Nucleides) %ok
       -    else error('fs.RelErrorObs must have length 1 or length of fs.Nucleides')
       -    end
       -    %>........ For advec-solution
       -    fs.testmode = 'fast'; %Means "Skip advective model". may change to 'linearized' below
       -    % fs.testmode = 'run_advec'; %Means "Run advective model for comparisson"
       -    D =100;
       -    z = linspace(0,10,100); %Note! modified below
       -    fs.D = D;
       -    fs.z = D*z.^3/1000;
       -    fs.dt = 100;
       -    %>........ Structure of glacial cycles
       -    fs.CycleMode = 'd18OTimes'; %'FixedC','FixedQuaternary','FixedTimes', 'd18OTimes'
       -    switch fs.CycleMode
       -        case 'FixedC'
       -            fs.C = 20; %If isempty, C=round(2.6e6/(round(dtGla*(1+dtIdtG))));
       -        case 'FixedQuaternary'
       -            fs.tQuaternary = 2.6e6; %time of first glaciation, adjust as desired
       -            %First glaciation and first interglacial adjusted accordingly
       -        case 'FixedTimes'
       -            fs.tStarts = NaN; %load or compute fixed times of more or less glaciated periods
       -            fs.relExpos = NaN; %load or compute degree of exposure in periods
       -        case 'd18OTimes'
       -            %fs.d18Ofn = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_5ky.mat';
       -            %fs.d18O_filename = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_30ky.mat'; %  zachos_triinterp_2p6Ma
       -            if strcmp(record, 'rec_5kyr')
       -                fs.d18O_filename = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_5ky.mat'; %  zachos_triinterp_2p6Ma
       -            elseif strcmp(record, 'rec_20kyr')
       -                fs.d18O_filename = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_20ky.mat'; %  zachos_triinterp_2p6Ma
       -            elseif strcmp(record, 'rec_30kyr')
       -                fs.d18O_filename = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_30ky.mat'; %  zachos_triinterp_2p6Ma
       -            else
       -                error(['record ' record ' not understood']);
       -            end
       -            fs.tStarts = NaN; %load or compute fixed times of more or less glaciated periods
       -            fs.relExpos = NaN; %load or compute degree of exposure in periods
       -    end
       -    %>........ Starting condition
       -    fs.Cstart = 'extend interglacial';
       -    %         fs.Cstart = 'zeros';
       -    %>........ Model parameters. 
       -    fs.mname{1} = 'ErateInt';
       -    fs.mname{2} = 'ErateGla';
       -    fs.mname{3} = 'tDegla';
       -%     fs.mname{4} = 'dtGla';
       -%     fs.mname{5} = 'dtIdtG';
       -    fs.mname{4} = 'd18Oth';
       -    %>........ Prior information
       -    % m = [ErateInt,ErateGla,tDegla,dtGla,dtIdtG];
       -    %fs.ErateIntminmax = [1e-7,1e-3]; %0.26m to 2600 m pr. Quaternary
       -    %fs.ErateGlaminmax = [1e-7,1e-3];
       -    fs.ErateIntminmax = [epsilon_int_min, epsilon_int_max]; %0.26m to 2600 m pr. Quaternary
       -    fs.ErateGlaminmax = [epsilon_gla_min, epsilon_gla_max];
       -    %fs.tDeglaminmax   = [10e3,12e3]; %8000 to 10000 yr Holocene
       -    fs.tDeglaminmax   = [t_degla - t_degla_uncer, t_degla + t_degla_uncer];
       -    %     fs.dtGlaminmax    = [40e3,200e3];
       -    %     fs.dtIdtGminmax   = [0,0.5];
       -    %fs.d18Othminmax = [3.6,4.4];
       -    fs.d18Othminmax = [record_threshold_min, record_threshold_max];
       -    fs.ErateIntDistr = 'logunif';
       -    fs.ErateGlaDistr = 'logunif';
       -    fs.tDeglaDistr   = 'uniform';
       -    %     fs.dtGlaDistr    = 'uniform';
       -    %     fs.dtIdtGDistr   = 'uniform';
       -    fs.d18OthDistr   = 'uniform';
       -    for im=1:length(fs.mname)
       -      fs.mminmax(im,:) = eval(['fs.',fs.mname{im},'minmax']);
       -      fs.mDistr(im,:) = eval(['fs.',fs.mname{im},'Distr']);
       -    end
       -    switch fs.dobsMode %'SyntheticNoNoise','SyntheticAndNoise','ObservedData'
       -      case 'ObservedData'
       -        %print out for checking:
       -        disp('>>>>>> Check that values match nucleides and depths:')
       -        id = 0;
       -        for iNucl=1:length(fs.Nucleides)
       -          disp(fs.Nucleides{iNucl})
       -          for iz=1:length(fs.zobs)
       -            id = id+1;
       -            disp(['>>> z=',num2str(fs.zobs(iz)),' m:',sprintf('%10g',fs.d_obs(id))])
       -          end
       +switch fs.g_case
       +    case 'CosmoLongsteps'
       +        %>......... The observations and observation errors:
       +        %fs.Nucleides = {'10Be','26Al','14C','21Ne'}; %We may switch nucleides on and off
       +        %fs.Nucleides = {'10Be','26Al'}; %We may switch nucleides on and off
       +        fs.Nucleides = {};
       +        fs.RelErrorObs = [];
       +        concentrations = [];
       +        if be_conc > 0.
       +            fs.Nucleides = [fs.Nucleides '10Be'];
       +            fs.RelErrorObs = [fs.RelErrorObs be_uncer];
       +            concentrations = [concentrations be_conc];
       +        end
       +        if al_conc > 0.
       +            fs.Nucleides = [fs.Nucleides '26Al'];
       +            fs.RelErrorObs = [fs.RelErrorObs al_uncer];
       +            concentrations = [concentrations al_conc];
       +        end
       +        if c_conc > 0.
       +            fs.Nucleides = [fs.Nucleides '14C'];
       +            fs.RelErrorObs = [fs.RelErrorObs c_uncer];
       +            concentrations = [concentrations c_conc];
       +        end
       +        if ne_conc > 0.
       +            fs.Nucleides = [fs.Nucleides '21Ne'];
       +            fs.RelErrorObs = [fs.RelErrorObs ne_uncer];
       +            concentrations = [concentrations ne_conc];
       +        end
       +        %     fs.RelErrorObs = 0.02;%0.02; %0.02 means 2% observational error
       +        %    fs.RelErrorObs = 0.01*[2.0;2.04]';%0.02; %0.02 means 2% observational error
       +        % one depth per nuclide or not?
       +        fs.zobs = [0]; %Depths where nucleides are observed
       +        %    fs.zobs = [0,0.3,1,3,10]; %Depths where nucleides are observed
       +        if debug
       +            disp(fs.Nucleides)
       +        end
       +        %fs.dobsMode = 'SyntheticNoNoise'; %'SyntheticNoNoise','SyntheticAndNoise','ObservedData'
       +        fs.dobsMode = 'ObservedData'; %'SyntheticNoNoise','SyntheticAndNoise','ObservedData'
       +        if strcmp(fs.dobsMode,'ObservedData')
       +            fs.d_obs = [];
       +            %fs.d_obs = repmat([5.3e8;3.7e9]',length(fs.zobs),1); %<<<<<< put in values as best you can
       +            fs.d_obs = repmat(concentrations',length(fs.zobs),1);
       +            fs.d_obs = fs.d_obs(:);
       +        end
       +        if length(fs.RelErrorObs) == 1
       +            fs.RelErrorObs = fs.RelErrorObs*ones(size(fs.Nucleides)); %extend to vector
       +        elseif length(fs.RelErrorObs) == length(fs.Nucleides) %ok
       +        else error('fs.RelErrorObs must have length 1 or length of fs.Nucleides')
       +        end
       +        %>........ For advec-solution
       +        fs.testmode = 'fast'; %Means "Skip advective model". may change to 'linearized' below
       +        % fs.testmode = 'run_advec'; %Means "Run advective model for comparisson"
       +        D =100;
       +        z = linspace(0,10,100); %Note! modified below
       +        fs.D = D;
       +        fs.z = D*z.^3/1000;
       +        fs.dt = 100;
       +        %>........ Structure of glacial cycles
       +        fs.CycleMode = 'd18OTimes'; %'FixedC','FixedQuaternary','FixedTimes', 'd18OTimes'
       +        switch fs.CycleMode
       +            case 'FixedC'
       +                fs.C = 20; %If isempty, C=round(2.6e6/(round(dtGla*(1+dtIdtG))));
       +            case 'FixedQuaternary'
       +                fs.tQuaternary = 2.6e6; %time of first glaciation, adjust as desired
       +                %First glaciation and first interglacial adjusted accordingly
       +            case 'FixedTimes'
       +                fs.tStarts = NaN; %load or compute fixed times of more or less glaciated periods
       +                fs.relExpos = NaN; %load or compute degree of exposure in periods
       +            case 'd18OTimes'
       +                %fs.d18Ofn = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_5ky.mat';
       +                %fs.d18O_filename = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_30ky.mat'; %  zachos_triinterp_2p6Ma
       +                if strcmp(record, 'rec_5kyr')
       +                    fs.d18O_filename = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_5ky.mat'; %  zachos_triinterp_2p6Ma
       +                elseif strcmp(record, 'rec_20kyr')
       +                    fs.d18O_filename = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_20ky.mat'; %  zachos_triinterp_2p6Ma
       +                elseif strcmp(record, 'rec_30kyr')
       +                    fs.d18O_filename = 'lisiecki_triinterp_2p6Ma_30ky.mat'; %  zachos_triinterp_2p6Ma
       +                else
       +                    error(['record ' record ' not understood']);
       +                end
       +                fs.tStarts = NaN; %load or compute fixed times of more or less glaciated periods
       +                fs.relExpos = NaN; %load or compute degree of exposure in periods
       +        end
       +        %>........ Starting condition
       +        fs.Cstart = 'extend interglacial';
       +        %         fs.Cstart = 'zeros';
       +        %>........ Model parameters.
       +        fs.mname{1} = 'ErateInt';
       +        fs.mname{2} = 'ErateGla';
       +        fs.mname{3} = 'tDegla';
       +        %     fs.mname{4} = 'dtGla';
       +        %     fs.mname{5} = 'dtIdtG';
       +        fs.mname{4} = 'd18Oth';
       +        %>........ Prior information
       +        % m = [ErateInt,ErateGla,tDegla,dtGla,dtIdtG];
       +        %fs.ErateIntminmax = [1e-7,1e-3]; %0.26m to 2600 m pr. Quaternary
       +        %fs.ErateGlaminmax = [1e-7,1e-3];
       +        fs.ErateIntminmax = [epsilon_int_min, epsilon_int_max]; %0.26m to 2600 m pr. Quaternary
       +        fs.ErateGlaminmax = [epsilon_gla_min, epsilon_gla_max];
       +        %fs.tDeglaminmax   = [10e3,12e3]; %8000 to 10000 yr Holocene
       +        fs.tDeglaminmax   = [t_degla - t_degla_uncer, t_degla + t_degla_uncer];
       +        %     fs.dtGlaminmax    = [40e3,200e3];
       +        %     fs.dtIdtGminmax   = [0,0.5];
       +        %fs.d18Othminmax = [3.6,4.4];
       +        fs.d18Othminmax = [record_threshold_min, record_threshold_max];
       +        fs.ErateIntDistr = 'logunif';
       +        fs.ErateGlaDistr = 'logunif';
       +        fs.tDeglaDistr   = 'uniform';
       +        %     fs.dtGlaDistr    = 'uniform';
       +        %     fs.dtIdtGDistr   = 'uniform';
       +        fs.d18OthDistr   = 'uniform';
       +        for im=1:length(fs.mname)
       +            fs.mminmax(im,:) = eval(['fs.',fs.mname{im},'minmax']);
       +            fs.mDistr(im,:) = eval(['fs.',fs.mname{im},'Distr']);
       +        end
       +        switch fs.dobsMode %'SyntheticNoNoise','SyntheticAndNoise','ObservedData'
       +            case 'ObservedData'
       +                %print out for checking:
       +                disp('>>>>>> Check that values match nucleides and depths:')
       +                id = 0;
       +                for iNucl=1:length(fs.Nucleides)
       +                    disp(fs.Nucleides{iNucl})
       +                    for iz=1:length(fs.zobs)
       +                        id = id+1;
       +                        disp(['>>> z=',num2str(fs.zobs(iz)),' m:',sprintf('%10g',fs.d_obs(id))])
       +                    end
       +                end
       +            case {'SyntheticNoNoise','SyntheticAndNoise'}
       +                %         fs.m_true = [...
       +                %           1e-5;...
       +                %           1e-6;...
       +                %           10e3;...
       +                %           100e3;...
       +                %           10/100];
       +                %fs.m_true = [...
       +                %1e-6;...
       +                %1e-4;...
       +                %12e3;...
       +                %4.0];
       +                fs.m_true = [...  % ANDERS: This is eps_int, eps_gla, t_degla, d180O_threshold
       +                    5e-5;...
       +                    1e-6;...
       +                    11e3;...
       +                    3.8];
       +                fs.d_true= g(fs.m_true,fs);
       +                fs.d_obs = fs.d_true + 0; %no noise, updated if dobsMode=='SyntheticAndNoise'
       +        end
       +        % >>>> finalizeing fixed_stuff with the observational error stds
       +        % We compute errors relative to the larger surface value
       +        % Otherwise the small concentrations at depth may be deemed too accurate.
       +        Nz = length(fs.zobs);
       +        Nnucl = length(fs.Nucleides);
       +        for iNucl = 1:Nnucl
       +            dtop = fs.d_obs(1+(iNucl-1)*Nz),
       +            fs.ErrorStdObs((1:Nz) + (iNucl-1)*Nz,1) = ...
       +                ones(Nz,1)*dtop*fs.RelErrorObs(iNucl);
       +        end
       +        if strcmp(fs.dobsMode,'SyntheticAndNoise')
       +            fs.d_obs = fs.d_true + fs.ErrorStdObs.*randn(size(fs.d_true));
       -      case {'SyntheticNoNoise','SyntheticAndNoise'}
       -%         fs.m_true = [...
       -%           1e-5;...
       -%           1e-6;...
       -%           10e3;...
       -%           100e3;...
       -%           10/100];
       -        %fs.m_true = [...
       -          %1e-6;...
       -          %1e-4;...
       -          %12e3;...
       -          %4.0];
       -        fs.m_true = [...  % ANDERS: This is eps_int, eps_gla, t_degla, d180O_threshold
       -          5e-5;...
       -          1e-6;...
       -          11e3;...
       -          3.8];
       -        fs.d_true= g(fs.m_true,fs);
       -        fs.d_obs = fs.d_true + 0; %no noise, updated if dobsMode=='SyntheticAndNoise'
       -    end
       -    % >>>> finalizeing fixed_stuff with the observational error stds
       -    % We compute errors relative to the larger surface value
       -    % Otherwise the small concentrations at depth may be deemed too accurate.
       -    Nz = length(fs.zobs);
       -    Nnucl = length(fs.Nucleides);
       -    for iNucl = 1:Nnucl
       -      dtop = fs.d_obs(1+(iNucl-1)*Nz),
       -      fs.ErrorStdObs((1:Nz) + (iNucl-1)*Nz,1) = ...
       -        ones(Nz,1)*dtop*fs.RelErrorObs(iNucl);
       -    end
       -    if strcmp(fs.dobsMode,'SyntheticAndNoise')
       -      fs.d_obs = fs.d_true + fs.ErrorStdObs.*randn(size(fs.d_true));
       -    end
        end %switch fs.g_case
        % keyboard
        %>........ For the MetHas algorithm
       t@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ for iwalk=1:fixed_stuff.Nwalkers
            d_starts(:,iwalk) = g(m_starts(:,iwalk),fixed_stuff);
            %>>>>> ......Burn in:
       -    seed = fixed_stuff.WalkerSeeds(iwalk); 
       -    isBurnIn=1; 
       +    seed = fixed_stuff.WalkerSeeds(iwalk);
       +    isBurnIn=1;
                m_starts(:,iwalk),seed,isBurnIn,fixed_stuff, ...
                statusfile); %%%% ADDED BY ANDERS
       t@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ for iwalk=1:fixed_stuff.Nwalkers
            %<<<<< ... End Burn in
            %>>>>> ......Sampling the posterior:
       -    seed = fixed_stuff.WalkerSeeds(iwalk); 
       +    seed = fixed_stuff.WalkerSeeds(iwalk);
            isBurnIn=0; %<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------- must be changed when Sampling
                mStartSampling,seed,isBurnIn,fixed_stuff,  ...
       t@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ for iwalk=1:fixed_stuff.Nwalkers
            S.m_start = m_starts(:,iwalk);
            S.d_start = d_starts(:,iwalk);
       -%     S.ms{iwalk}=ms
       -%     S.lump_MetHass{iwalk}=lump_MetHas;
       -    if beeps 
       +    %     S.ms{iwalk}=ms
       +    %     S.lump_MetHass{iwalk}=lump_MetHas;
       +    if beeps