tuse momentum conservation eq from Kingslake and Ng 2013 - granular-channel-hydro - subglacial hydrology model for sedimentary channels
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 (HTM) Author: Anders Damsgaard <andersd@riseup.net>
       Date:   Wed,  8 Mar 2017 15:27:06 -0800
       use momentum conservation eq from Kingslake and Ng 2013
         M 1d-channel.py                       |     121 +++++++++++++++++--------------
       1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/1d-channel.py b/1d-channel.py
       t@@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ t_end = 24.*60.*60.*total_days  # Total simulation time [s]
        tol_Q = 1e-3        # Tolerance criteria for the normalized max. residual for Q
        tol_P_c = 1e-3      # Tolerance criteria for the norm. max. residual for P_c
        max_iter = 1e2*Ns   # Maximum number of solver iterations before failure
       -output_convergence = False  # Display convergence statistics during run
       -safety = 0.1        # Safety factor ]0;1] for adaptive timestepping
       -plot_interval = 20  # Time steps between plots
       +print_output_convergence = False  # Display convergence statistics during run
       +safety = 0.01        # Safety factor ]0;1] for adaptive timestepping
       +# plot_interval = 20  # Time steps between plots
       +plot_interval = 1  # Time steps between plots
        # Physical parameters
        rho_w = 1000.  # Water density [kg/m^3]
       t@@ -44,23 +45,23 @@ D_g = 1.       # Mean grain size in gravel fraction (> 2 mm)
        D_s = 0.01     # Mean grain size in sand fraction (<= 2 mm)
        # Water source term [m/s]
       -m_dot = 1e-3  # Sand transported near margin
       +m_dot = 2.5e-8
        mu_w = 1.787e-3  # Water viscosity [Pa*s]
        friction_factor = 0.1  # Darcy-Weisbach friction factor [-]
       -# Hewitt 2011 channel flux parameters
       +# Channel hydraulic properties
        manning = 0.1  # Manning roughness coefficient [m^{-1/3} s]
       -F = rho_w*g*manning*(2.*(numpy.pi + 2)**2./numpy.pi)**(2./3.)
       +#F = rho_w*g*manning*(2.*(numpy.pi + 2)**2./numpy.pi)**(2./3.)
        # Channel growth-limit parameters
        c_1 = -0.118  # [m/kPa]
        c_2 = 4.60    # [m]
        # Minimum channel size [m^2], must be bigger than 0
       -# S_min = 1e-2
       +S_min = 1e-2
        # S_min = 1e-1
       -S_min = 1.
       +# S_min = 1.
        # # Initialize model arrays
       t@@ -112,9 +113,11 @@ def avg_midpoint(arr):
            return (arr[:-1] + arr[1:])/2.
       -def channel_water_flux(S, hydro_pot_grad):
       -    # Hewitt 2011
       -    return numpy.sqrt(1./F*S**(8./3.)*-hydro_pot_grad)
       +def channel_hydraulic_roughness(manning, S, W, theta):
       +    # Determine hydraulic roughness assuming that the channel has no channel
       +    # floor wedge.
       +    l = W + W/numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(theta))  # wetted perimeter
       +    return manning**2.*(l**2./S)**(2./3.)
        def channel_shear_stress(Q, S):
       t@@ -263,11 +266,13 @@ def channel_growth_rate_sedflux(Q_t, porosity, s_c):
        def update_channel_size_with_limit(S, S_old, dSdt, dt, N_c):
            # Damsgaard et al, in prep
            S_max = numpy.maximum(
       -        numpy.maximum((c_1*numpy.maximum(N_c, 0.)/1000. + c_2), 0.)**2./4. *
       +        numpy.maximum(
       +            1./4.*(c_1*numpy.maximum(N_c, 0.)/1000. + c_2), 0.)**2. *
                numpy.tan(numpy.deg2rad(theta)), S_min)
            S = numpy.maximum(numpy.minimum(S_old + dSdt*dt, S_max), S_min)
            W = S/numpy.tan(numpy.deg2rad(theta))  # Assume no channel floor wedge
       -    return S, W, S_max
       +    dSdt = S - S_old   # adjust dSdt for clipping due to channel size limits
       +    return S, W, S_max, dSdt
        def flux_solver(m_dot, ds):
       t@@ -286,7 +291,7 @@ def flux_solver(m_dot, ds):
                Q[1:] = m_dot*ds[1:] + Q[:-1]
                max_res = numpy.max(numpy.abs((Q - Q_old)/(Q + 1e-16)))
       -        if output_convergence:
       +        if print_output_convergence:
                    print('it = {}: max_res = {}'.format(it, max_res))
                # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
       t@@ -298,30 +303,34 @@ def flux_solver(m_dot, ds):
            return Q
       -def pressure_solver(psi, F, Q, S):
       +def pressure_solver(psi, f, Q, S):
            # Iteratively find new water pressures
       -    # dP_c/ds = psi - FQ^2/S^{8/3}
       +    # dP_c/ds = psi - f*rho_w*g*Q^2/S^{8/3}  (Kingslake and Ng 2013)
            it = 0
            max_res = 1e9  # arbitrary large value
       -    while max_res > tol_P_c or it < Ns*40:
       +    while max_res > tol_P_c or it < Ns:
                P_c_old = P_c.copy()
       -        # Upwind finite differences
       -        P_c[:-1] = -psi[:-1]*ds[:-1] \
       -            + F*Q[:-1]**2./(S[:-1]**(8./3.))*ds[:-1] \
       -            + P_c[1:]  # Upstream
       +        # P_downstream = P_upstream + dP
       +        # P_c[1:] = P_c[:-1] \
       +            # + psi[:-1]*ds[:-1] \
       +            # - f[:-1]*rho_w*g*Q[:-1]**2./(S[:-1]**(8./3.))*ds[:-1] \
                # Dirichlet BC (fixed pressure) at terminus
                P_c[-1] = 0.
       -        # von Neumann BC (no gradient = no flux) at s=0
       -        P_c[0] = P_c[1]
       +        # P_upstream = P_downstream - dP
       +        P_c[:-1] = P_c[1:] \
       +            - psi[:-1]*ds[:-1] \
       +            + f[:-1]*rho_w*g*Q[:-1]**2./(S[:-1]**(8./3.))*ds[:-1]
       +            # + psi[:-1]*ds[:-1] \
       +            # - f[:-1]*rho_w*g*Q[:-1]**2./(S[:-1]**(8./3.))*ds[:-1]
                max_res = numpy.max(numpy.abs((P_c - P_c_old)/(P_c + 1e-16)))
       -        if output_convergence:
       +        if print_output_convergence:
                    print('it = {}: max_res = {}'.format(it, max_res))
                if it >= max_iter:
       t@@ -335,9 +344,9 @@ def pressure_solver(psi, F, Q, S):
        def plot_state(step, time, S_, S_max_, title=True):
            # Plot parameters along profile
            fig = plt.gcf()
       -    fig.set_size_inches(3.3*1.1, 3.3*1.1)
       +    fig.set_size_inches(3.3*1.1, 3.3*1.1*1.5)
       -    ax_Pa = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)  # axis with Pascals as y-axis unit
       +    ax_Pa = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)  # axis with Pascals as y-axis unit
            # ax_Pa.plot(s_c/1000., P_c/1000., '--r', label='$P_c$')
            # ax_Pa.plot(s/1000., N/1000., '--r', label='$N$')
            ax_Pa.plot(s_c/1000., N_c/1e6, '-k', label='$N$')
       t@@ -355,25 +364,29 @@ def plot_state(step, time, S_, S_max_, title=True):
       -    ax_m2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax_Pa)
       +    ax_m3s_sed = plt.subplot(3, 1, 2, sharex=ax_Pa)
       +    ax_m3s_sed.plot(s_c/1000., Q_g, ':', label='$Q_g$')
       +    ax_m3s_sed.plot(s_c/1000., Q_s, '-', label='$Q_s$')
       +    ax_m3s_sed.plot(s_c/1000., Q_t, '--', label='$Q_t$')
       +    ax_m3s_sed.set_ylabel('[m$^3$/s]')
       +    ax_m3s_sed.legend(loc=2)
       +    ax_m2 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 3, sharex=ax_Pa)
            ax_m2.plot(s_c/1000., S_, '-k', label='$S$')
            ax_m2.plot(s_c/1000., S_max_, '--', color='#666666', label='$S_{max}$')
            # ax_m.semilogy(s_c/1000., S, '-k', label='$S$')
            # ax_m.semilogy(s_c/1000., S_max, '--k', label='$S_{max}$')
       -    ax_ms = ax_m2.twinx()
       +    ax_m2s = ax_m2.twinx()
            # ax_ms.plot(s_c/1000., e_dot, '--r', label='$\dot{e}$')
            # ax_ms.plot(s_c/1000., d_dot, ':b', label='$\dot{d}$')
       -    ax_ms.plot(s_c/1000., Q_g, label='$Q_g$')
       -    ax_ms.plot(s_c/1000., Q_s, label='$Q_s$')
       -    ax_ms.plot(s_c/1000., Q_t, '--', label='$Q_t$')
       -    # TODO: check units on sediment fluxes: m2/s or m3/s ?
       +    ax_m2s.plot(s_c/1000., dSdt, ':', label='$\partial S/\partial t$')
       -    ax_ms.legend(loc=3)
       +    ax_m2s.legend(loc=3)
            ax_m2.set_xlabel('$s$ [km]')
       -    ax_ms.set_ylabel('[m/s]')
       +    ax_m2s.set_ylabel('[m$^2$/s]')
            ax_Pa.set_xlim([s.min()/1000., s.max()/1000.])
       t@@ -412,8 +425,8 @@ hydro_pot_grad = gradient(hydro_pot, s)
        N_c = avg_midpoint(N)
        H_c = avg_midpoint(H)
       -# Find fluxes in channel segments [m^3/s]
       -Q = channel_water_flux(S, hydro_pot_grad)
       +# Find water flux
       +Q = flux_solver(m_dot, ds)
        # Water-pressure gradient from geometry [Pa/m]
        psi = -rho_i*g*gradient(H, s) - (rho_w - rho_i)*g*gradient(b, s)
       t@@ -428,18 +441,22 @@ time = 0.
        step = 0
        while time <= t_end:
       -    # print('@ @ @ step ' + str(step))
       +    # Determine time step length from water flux
            dt = find_new_timestep(ds, Q, S)
       +    # Display current simulation status
            print_status_to_stdout(time, dt)
            it = 0
       -    max_res = 1e9  # arbitrary large value
       +    # Initialize the maximum normalized residual for S to an arbitrary large
       +    # value
       +    max_res = 1e9
            S_old = S.copy()
            # Iteratively find solution, do not settle for less iterations than the
       -    # number of nodes
       +    # number of nodes to make sure information has had a chance to pass through
       +    # the system
            while max_res > tol_Q or it < Ns:
                S_prev_it = S.copy()
       t@@ -447,43 +464,37 @@ while time <= t_end:
                # Find average shear stress from water flux for each channel segment
                tau = channel_shear_stress(Q, S)
       -        # Find sediment erosion and deposition rates for each channel segment
       -        # e_dot = channel_erosion_rate(tau)
       -        # d_dot, c_bar = channel_deposition_rate(tau, c_bar, d_dot, Ns)
       +        # Determine sediment fluxes for each size fraction
                f_g = 1./f_s  # gravel volume fraction is reciprocal to sand
                Q_s = channel_sediment_flux_sand(tau, W, f_s, D_s)
                Q_g = channel_sediment_flux_gravel(tau, W, f_g, D_g)
                Q_t = Q_s + Q_g
       -        # TODO: Update f_s from fluxes
       -        # Determine change in channel size for each channel segment
       -        # dSdt = channel_growth_rate(e_dot, d_dot, W)
       -        # Use backward differences and assume dS/dt=0 in first segment
       +        # Determine change in channel size for each channel segment.
       +        # Use backward differences and assume dS/dt=0 in first segment.
                dSdt[1:] = channel_growth_rate_sedflux(Q_t, porosity, s_c)
                # Update channel cross-sectional area and width according to growth
                # rate and size limit for each channel segment
       -        S, W, S_max = update_channel_size_with_limit(S, S_old, dSdt, dt, N_c)
       +        S, W, S_max, dSdt = \
       +            update_channel_size_with_limit(S, S_old, dSdt, dt, N_c)
                # Find new water fluxes consistent with mass conservation and local
                # meltwater production (m_dot)
                Q = flux_solver(m_dot, ds)
       -        # Find the corresponding sediment flux
       -        # Q_b = bedload_sediment_flux(
       -        # Q_s = suspended_sediment_flux(c_bar, Q, S)
       +        # Find hydraulic roughness
       +        f = channel_hydraulic_roughness(manning, S, W, theta)
                # Find new water pressures consistent with the flow law
       -        P_c = pressure_solver(psi, F, Q, S)
       +        P_c = pressure_solver(psi, f, Q, S)
                # Find new effective pressure in channel segments
                N_c = rho_i*g*H_c - P_c
                # Find new maximum normalized residual value
                max_res = numpy.max(numpy.abs((S - S_prev_it)/(S + 1e-16)))
       -        if output_convergence:
       +        if print_output_convergence:
                    print('it = {}: max_res = {}'.format(it, max_res))
                # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()