Gemini as better Gopher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When making proxy that display gemini sites as gopherholes, I've noticed that result is more consistent than regular gopher. In some way it's like high level language compiled or translated to low-level instructions. So you have to write less and missing a lot of possibilities to break things What have Gemini done better ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These features could've been done in Gopher, or exist in rudimentary form or in Gopher+ spec * error handling * document+links instead of separated menu for navigation and docs, or non-spec mixed menu * files interpreted by server response, not link client used * virtual hosts / routing by domain name * redirects * relative links * unicode What have Gemini added ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * encryption although it's most controversial feature of protocol IMO, it's something that adds value to it What do I still miss in Gemini ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * inline embeddings * images/graphs * "nested documents" * protocol features * HEAD-like method, i.e. ability to get metadata before actually loading data * ability to use as streaming protocol * ranged download (related to 2 previous) * probably explicit version spec * user interaction * one-stage input * file upload * easier access control * non-encrypted option