{ ake.crabdance.com : phlog : gopher is broken }
       Well, article name is clickbait-y a bit,
       but I just gonna describe stuff gopher
       doing awful, as protocol and as internet
       browsing alternative
       * error handling is broken, you cannot
         say anything other than - i have (or
         haven't) got something via selector
       * client determines how to interpret
         response (how to display and how to
         handle binary files, etc)
       * client interaction restricted to 
         search form -- you cannot update smth
         in gopher via gopher, also you cannot
         restrict access easily on per-viewer
       Not critical, but bad things
       * No virtual hosts support
       * No relative links
       * Cumbersome non-spec info-tags
       * No redirects
       * Fixed semi-menu docs breaking on
         various client width
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