{ ake.c2e.com : phlog : redis honeypot recap }
       Somewhen I've become interested in redis protocol
       and decided to make my own library in python for
       fun. Not having much ideas of its usage, I've
       created a something like honeypot, which to some
       extent tries to simulate real redis server and logs
       received commands and established connections.
       It was running since april so now I'll try to
       analyze results I've got.
       Brief summary
       Total number of connections - 11758
       Total number of source IP addresses that were used
       to connect honeypot - 1629
       Maximum connections from same address - 348
       Number of hosts those have HTTP server - 407
       HTTP responses from "attacker" hosts overview
       - seemingly most popular one is default server
         page, sometimes referring host distro
         (obviously Apache, nginx; distros are Fedora,
         CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian; rare one is XAMPP)
       - server error response - not found, forbidden,
         gateway timeout and 500s
       - hosting custom error responses - several
         reported misconfigured domain, one from DO
         contains message about unfinished WP
       - slightly separate from previous, hosting
         misconfiguration error message, but in
       - 3 Tor exit nodes
       - network scanners (Censys, Shadowserver,
       - some login forms in Chinese, most probably
         related to back office software
       - blogs in Chinese, seemingly most of them
         are programming related
       - business sites and internet-shops in
       - something that looks like part of mobile
         application (at least having that layout)
       - something that looks like web photoalbum
         containing wedding photos (Chinese)
       - two "home page"s that contains caption and
         photo and nothing more
       - some non-Chinese business sites - dentist
         from Spain, financial organization, airport
         related software and some foundations
       - OpenEMR instance with default password,
         seemingly test one
       - PIXIE-2R router with default password
       - some Atlassian solution
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