rethinking gophermap
       complex one
       this is the proposal of simplified
       syntax which can be used for creating
       gopher menus by people
        link to file:     *Description=selector@hostname:70;\r\n
        link to catalog:  +Description=selector@hostname:70;\r\n
        query:            ?Description=selector@hostname:70;\r\n
        information text: Lorem impsum dolor sit amet\r\n
       note that specifying link resembles original format
       by having same component order, but having more
       sensible (for modern conventions) separators.
       if your infotext follows one of links format
       you probably can escape chars using \ which
       will be stripped during parsing.
       but now i'm using simpler solution
       which i've called lgm - lighweight
       gopher map. it's just have TAB replaced
       by semicolon ; and actual semicolons
       escaped using backslash \;, so
       infotext become i<text>;;; which
       is kinda natural for programmers using
       C-like languages and also resembles
       shell case operator breaks
       basically, it's implemented as perl
       one-liner (because sed lacks for 
       lookbehind regexp)
        perl -pe 's/(?<!\\);/\t/gi;s/\\;/;/gi;s/\t\t\t$/\t\thost.invalid\t0/gi;'
       it seems that some clients breaks
       when they see menu item without
       host or port, even with proper tabs
       at least floodgap proxy does
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