Hard-Wrapping Lines in vi(1) and vim(1) --------------------------------------- date: 2021-12-01 tags: editors There's several types of text that I really like to hard-wrap. Phlog posts, personal notes, git messages, and emails to name a few. This can be done in vim(1) by setting `textwidth` to 60 and then using the `gq` command to format (example: `gqip` formats *i*nside *p*aragraph). However, I really like using OpenBSD's vi(1) as my $EDITOR due to its blazingly fast startup time (and the whole point of the $EDITOR is that it is executed by other programs!). To achieve the same automated formatting, I make use of a lesser known feature: ! command ... Will replace the lines in with the output of the shell command (which receives the lines as standard input). Better yet, this repeats with the dot command. So, as a final action before publishing, I go to the top of the first paragraph and hit `!}fmt 60`, then go down the post with `}.}.}.` until all paragraphs are wrapped. How cool is that? It even works in vim(1) (one of the perks of learning plain-vi(1) is discovering deeper vim(1) features!) --- Note that you can also use: range ! command Such as `%!fmt 60` to filter the whole document, but I find there's usually bits and pieces fmt(1) doesn't handle well (such as title underlines or ascii art), so I prefer to quickly format each paragraph by hand.