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         just a collection of thoughts..
 (TXT) Atom Feed
 (TXT) [2024-01-24] In Praise of the Local Library
 (TXT) [2023-12-31] The Joys of a Wood Stove
 (TXT) [2023-12-02] The Many Benefits of Anti-Consumerism
 (TXT) [2023-04-24] When Seemingly Infinite Becomes Suddenly Finite
 (TXT) [2023-04-11] On Digital Minimalism
 (TXT) [2023-01-14] New Gopherhole Release: My Record Collection
 (TXT) [2023-01-05] This Gopherhole as a Time Capsule
 (TXT) [2023-01-05] Announcing a New Gopherhole Section: Games!
 (TXT) [2023-01-01] Happy New Year!
 (TXT) [2022-12-01] Book Review: Sketchy Scheme by Nils M Holm
 (TXT) [2022-11-30] Hackers and Painters and Paint Brushes
 (TXT) [2022-11-29] A Simple Case for Lisp Parenthesis
 (TXT) [2022-11-27] On Window Managers and the UNIX Philosophy
 (TXT) [2022-11-21] On Text Editing Efficiency pt. 2
 (TXT) [2022-11-20] On Skill vs Automation in Code Editing
 (TXT) [2022-11-15] Revisiting Emacs
 (TXT) [2022-11-01] Adventures in Scheme
 (TXT) [2022-10-08] Remembering the Kitchen Computer
 (TXT) [2022-10-06] The Joys of IRC
 (TXT) [2022-10-06] On Simplicity
 (TXT) [2022-10-02] True Burrowing
 (TXT) [2022-09-24] The Non-Technical Diffculties of Phlogging
 (TXT) [2022-09-23] Been a While
 (TXT) [2021-12-11] Add Context to Your Notes
 (TXT) [2021-11-30] Screen Time
 (TXT) [2021-11-25] Gopher-First Feeds
 (TXT) [2021-11-21] Optimizing for Archival
 (TXT) [2021-11-21] Lowering Barriers to Writing
 (TXT) [2021-11-17] Adding a Feed for the Phlog
 (TXT) [2021-11-15] Going Live on the Weblog
 (TXT) [2021-11-11] Choosing a Phormat pt. 4
 (TXT) [2021-11-11] Choosing a Phormat pt. 3
 (TXT) [2021-11-10] What's in a RFC?
 (TXT) [2021-11-07] Server Migration
 (TXT) [2021-11-06] Launch Plan
 (TXT) [2021-11-04] Momentum
 (TXT) [2021-11-03] Choosing a Phormat pt. 2
 (TXT) [2021-11-03] Choosing a Phormat
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