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                                                         Another Droid BBS
       If you are reading this from the WWW site and you asking yourself "wtf is
       gopher?" just continue reading it in your browser :p For those who do know
       what is Gopher and want to experience the site also in a Gopher client, you
       can go to the files section and download the DiggieDog app. in the Android
       Tools section and install it. After that enter this address:
       or if you using another client in a linux/windows system, use the complete url
       Firefox, Chrome, IE don't support Gopher out-of-the-box. They need a plugin /
       addon to work. So you have to install it yourself. If you are using a linux
       machine, you can use Lynx browser, which is terminal gopher/www client
       program. Again use the complete url (gopher://) for Lynx to understand to
       connect via Gopher.
       Gopher is a text based www and is very easy to read and navigate. It has its
       own magic and its not for everyone. I hope you find the site useful and
                                               Build: 2023/12/15, 19:51:23