_ _                       
        _ _ _  _| | |  ___ _ __  __ _ __ _ 
       | ' \ || | | | / -_) '  \/ _` / _` |
       |_||_\_,_|_|_| \___|_|_|_\__,_\__, |
       NULL is an emag, about the BBS scene and various retro stuff.
       It begun about 2018 and it's still going on. You can find the
       text and DOS versions here, as well in:
                       Github: http://github.com/xqtr/null                
       If you want to help or ask something contact via Another
       Droid BBS or at xqtr@gmx.com.
                                                         Another Droid BBS
 (BIN) NULL x00C [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x00B [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x00A [dos]
 (BIN) NULL x009 [dos]
 (BIN) NULL x008 [dos]
 (BIN) NULL x008 [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x007 [dos]
 (BIN) NULL x007 [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x006 [dos]
 (BIN) NULL x006 [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x005 [dos]
 (BIN) NULL x005 [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x004 [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x003 [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x002 [txt]
 (BIN) NULL x001 [txt]
 (IMG) NULL Logo
                                               Build: 2023/12/15, 19:51:23