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                         \__|\__,_|\__\___/|_|  |___/
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       | '_ \ '_/ _ \/ _` | '_/ _` | '  \| '  \| | ' \/ _` |
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 (TXT) HEX Editing in Linux Console
 (TXT) FreePascal Install in Linux
 (TXT) Data Record Endianess
 (TXT) Crosscompile Code Techniques
 (TXT) HEX Editing with DD util.
 (TXT) Byte Counting
 (TXT) Savefile Reverse Engineering
 (TXT) BASH: Clear ANSI codes and get text
 (TXT) FreePascal: Compiler Switches
 (TXT) FreePascal: Reading PIPE color codes
 (TXT) FreePascal: Check files for included media
 (TXT) FreePascal: ANSI parse code
 (TXT) Python: Find diffs. between files based on HASH
 (TXT) Python: Include BASE64 encoded ANSI files
 (TXT) Python: Read JAM bases
 (TXT) Python: LightBar Menu
 (TXT) Python: Read SAUCE data 
        _    _       
       | |__| |__ ___
       | '_ \ '_ (_-<
 (TXT) Phone calling from a BBS
 (TXT) Record BBS output with Linux/Telnet
 (TXT) Install SynchroBBS in Linux/RPi
 (TXT) Enigma BBS Installation
 (TXT) Implement Torrent files to a BBS
 (TXT) Torrent files for BBSes, Part 2
 (TXT) Ripping ANSI graphics in 2019
 (TXT) How to use CRLF in files
 (TXT) How to include Youtube videos to your BBS
 (TXT) Install QODEM in Termux/Android
                     _   _      _    _       
        _ __ _  _ __| |_(_)__  | |__| |__ ___
       | '  \ || (_-<  _| / _| | '_ \ '_ (_-<
       |_|_|_\_, /__/\__|_\__| |_.__/_.__/__/
 (TXT) Mystic Menus pros and cons
 (TXT) Blacklist management proposion
 (TXT) Global Menu Commands
 (TXT) Upload uncranched ANSI to Mystic with MUTIL
 (TXT) Python: Read .DIR files
 (TXT) Python: Read the ONELINER.DAT file
 (TXT) Python: Read FBASES.DAT file
 (TXT) Setup an ECHO Net
 (TXT) MPL: Oneliner Edit Script
       __ ____ _ _ _(_)___ _  _ ___
       \ V / _` | '_| / _ \ || (_-<
        \_/\__,_|_| |_\___/\_,_/__/
 (TXT) .SPC to .IT
 (TXT) Virtual Floppies for VirtualMachine
 (TXT) NANO editor Custom Config for text writing
 (TXT) Easy RAMDISK file in Linux/RPi
 (TXT) Use Tundra ANSI Editor under Linux
 (TXT) Convert .MOD to .WAV with XMP
 (TXT) Get ROM files, the easy way
 (TXT) DOSBOX config and install
 (TXT) Green FrameBuffer PDF Reader - Install