. . . . . . T H E . A S C I I . A R T . E M P O R I U M . . . . . . ascii.mozz.us:7070 Welcome to the ASCII art emporium! This server is home to my growing collection of ASCII art. My goal is to preserve the rich history of the ASCII art community by mirroring as much content as I possibly can! In particular, I'm interested in the "line style" and "solid style" of ASCII art that was popularized on the alt.ascii-art usenet group in the 90's. This art uses standard 7-bit ASCII, no extended character sets, no animation, and no ANSI colors (which coincidentally, makes it perfect for gopher!). Many of the collections hosted here were scraped from abandoned web 2.0 sites on the brink of collapse, or pulled from the Internet Archive. I have done my best to convert them from HTML back to plain text files while preserving the original formatting. I have also done my best to preserve attribution wherever possible and provide links back to the original resources. If you copy art from this server, please do the same and respect the original artists. Cheers, mozz ABOUT THIS SERVER ----------------- This server is hosted with pygopherd [1], a multiplexing gopher server. The menus are laid out using the "classic" UMN-style .links files rather than gophermaps, because I have been looking a reason to try them out. You can connect on port 7070 over any of the following protocols: gopher, gophers[2], http, https, gemini[3], spartan[4] [1] https://github.com/michael-lazar/pygopherd [2] gopher over a TLS connection [3] https://gemini.circumlunar.space/ [4] https://portal.mozz.us/spartan/spartan.mozz.us COLLECTION SIZE --------------- Here are some stats on the size of this collection: / 1022M 185454 files /usenet 860M 168280 files /mirrors 141M 16447 files Please save your CPU cycles and don't try to crawl this entire site. I've uploaded a full copy of the server to the Internet Archive [5]. [5] https://archive.org/details/ascii_emporium_20231114.tar