Martin Atkins wrote: > the way I see it, it's not anything to do with amount of characters changed, > it's whether the picture generally resembles the original. If I wanted to be > pernikety (although I don`t, since I can`t even spell the damn thing) I > could claim that face thing to the right of Meph's sig as a slight mod of my > portrait, since which it has different characters it still looks like my > pic. > > > ||||| > | o o | > | > | > | \_/ | <--- My mini-me > \___/ > __| |__ > > Meph's sig...... > +===================================================+ ,,,,, > I _,,,_ __ __ ___ ___ _ _ I.|_ _|. > I / o o \ |M \/ M| |E__| |P_ \ | || | ASCII I(| O-O |) > I > § < | |\/| | | _| | _/ | HH | & more I | I | > I \_\_/_/ |_| |_| |E__| |_P |_||_| ~~~~~~ I | \_/ | > I I \___/ > I I I > I I \_M_/ > I I W > +===================================================+ _/ \_ > > ,,,,, > .|_ _|. ||||| > (| O-O |) | o o | > | I | | > | > | \_/ | | \_/ | > \___/ \___/ > Meph! Mart! > > ||||| > | _ _ | > ( o o ) > | > | <--- one of my original versions as seen on > | \_/ | one of my first sigs in a.a-a. > \___/ > ___| |___ > > Similar huh? Huh, really similar !!! I didn't be aware of this. And there is an other illegal thing: The signature contains a 'No, no, no MUSTN'T use'-character. Before I begin to draw a new signature let me tell you a little story in my broken English ... +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | In a near future, in a unknown land live two persons called | | | | M A R T I N & M A R C | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ||||| ,,,,, | _ _ | .|_ _|. ( o o ) (| O-O |) | > | | I | | \_/ | | \_/ | \___/ \___/ I I \_M_/ \_M_/ W W _/ \_ _/ \_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Once upon a time it so happens that Martin meets Marc and both make| | a dreadful discovery | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________________ .' '. ( Is it a mirror or... ) '.___________________.' O O o o \\|||/ . . .,,,, \\| o o ,, \[ _\ < ], | < >- | \___) (___/ I I M_/ \_M /W W\ _/ \_ _/ \_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This was no lucky day for the poor Marc. Martin knows much about | | copyrights and he makes a incredible demand ... | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ .' Hey, You are look like me ! My parents have "developed" me'. ( in 19xx and we own the copyright of this body ! Hereby I ) '. forbidden you to use this body longer !!!!!! .' '._________________ ___________________________.' \__ __/ .' Oh no, his parents'. \_ _/ O ( have the copyright !) )/ o '.___________________.' \\|||/ // . .,,,, \\| o // o ,, \[ _\ < ], | < .___, >- | \___) |Law|| (___/ I |~~~|| I M_/ |___|; \_M /W W\ _/ \_ _/ \_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / / /'./ / / / / / / /'./ / / / / / / /'./ / / / +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | At the beginning Marc was very depressed, but than he had a genial | | idea ... | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ .' Oh my god, I'm lost. What should I do ?'. ____________ : They will arrest me, because there is : '. : no way to change my body ... or ..... : I give you : : May be this is the solution !? : one day ... : '._______ ________________________________.' _ _____.' (_) \_ _/ o ,,,,, \( \|||// o .|_ _|. \\ o |// .(| O-O |) \\ < ]/ | I '| > | | - '| <- Tears ! (___/ \___/ I I \_M _M_ W\ / W \ _/ \_ _/ \_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'./ / +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Early at the next morning he goes to the Genetic Institute and sold| | himself as 'guinea pig'. A few hours later he leaves the institute | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ||||| | _____________ ||||| | Let's see \ ||||| | want Martin ) ||||| \___ says... ____/ ||||| || ____ __/ ,,,,,,,. ||||| || \( _/ ____ ,,, ||||| || \\ _/ (O ) ) ||||| || (o __ / +------------+ ||||| +-|| \____/ / | GENETIC | ||||| || \____ / | INSTITUTE | ||||| || ( ( \||/| University | ||||| ___|| / \ ( )+-----++-----+ ____|||||_____/ ( \\\ \____/ / II __| ||||| \___________/ II __| _/_____\_ _// \\_ II | (_________) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The meeting with Martin was very successful for Marc ... | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ________________ / \ / ? ? \ / I believe the copyright problem \ (? ? Äahm ...?? ) ( is solved ?! What do you think ) \____ ? ? / \ about my new body ??? / \__ ? ?_/ \__ _______________________/ \\|||/ \_ ?_/ \_ __/ ,,,,,,,. \\\|||// )/ \( _/ _ ,,, \\\\|||/ // \\ _/ (o ) ) \\\| (O // (o / \[ > \____/ / | -< \____ / \___) ( ( \||/ I / \ ( ) M ( \\\ \____/ / _/W\_ \___________/ _/ \_ _// \\_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Since this moment, Marc's life change and his new body makes him | | very happy. He became a star and marries a girl from the Muppets- | | show | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ __ __ ( \/ ) \ / ~~~~~ \ / ~~~~~~~~ (\/) \/ (\/) ,,,,,,,. ~~~~ \_ \/ \/ _/ _ ,,, ~~~ < o> \_ _/ (o ) ) __ ~~~ _ o} (o / (__) ~~~ \_____/ \____/ / (_()_) ~~~\ ____/ \____ / (__) ~~ ) (_ _ ( ( \||/ \ \ ~ / *}*} / \ ( ) \ \____/ _/_/ ( \\\ \____/ / \__________/ \___________/ _// \\_ _// \\_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'./ / /'./ / / / /'./ / +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | But this is not a Hollywood story and after many years Marc made a | | unbelievable meeting on a holiday trip at loch ness ... | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ \\\\|||||||/// /Hey, You are look like me !\ _ _ \\\|||||||// ( My parents have .... ) (\\_ _//) \\\____ \_ \___ ______________________/ \\\\__//// ( ( 0) \_ /_/ \\\\//// \ ____o] // ,,,,,,,. \_ _/ \ <___ _/ _ ,,, ) ) \ ____/ .___, _/ (o ) ) ( ( ) ) _|Law|| (o / ) ) ( ( /_|~~~|| \____ / ( ( ) ) / _|___|; \____ / ) ) ( ( / / ( ( ( ( ) )___/ / / \ ) ) ( _______/ ( \\\ \___ ( ( ) ) \_________ ) ) ( ( ____________ _//__\\_ __ _ _( (_ _ _ _ _ ) _) _ _ _ / / / / /'./ / / / /~\_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~\_/~/ /'./ / / / /'./ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~('./ / /'./ / / / /'. THE END IMPORTANT : - The design of Martin's body is copyright by his parents - The design of Martin's ASCII body is copyright by Martin - The design of Marc's body is copyright by my parents - The design of Marc's ASCII body is copyright by ... - The design of Nessy's body is copyright by his parents - The design of Nessy's ASCII body is copyright by Marc - The design of grass pattern is copyright by Hilton Janfield - ... Ok., think this is enough about copyrights. I really don't want any discussions about my signature. The figure will be removed although I didn't copy it. I hope you didn't take this story serious and aren't anry about the NOT 'slight mod' (?!?) of your portrait. Good wish for the new year... MARC PS. You have send the first answer to my link request and now you are on the first position in my link list. Thanks for the nice sample. +===================================================+ I _,,,_ __ __ ___ ___ _ _ I I / o o \ |M \/ M| |E__| |P_ \ | || | ASCII I I > P < | |\/| | | _| | _/ | HH | & more I I \_\_/_/ |_| |_| |E__| |_P |_||_| ~~~~~~ I I I I I I I I \_M_/ I I W +===================================================+ _/ \_