Subject: Re: spam Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:49:46 -0800 From: Diane Wenner Reply-To: ASCIIArt -- Forum for discussing and sharing line printer artwork      To: Multiple recipients of list ASCIIART On Mon, 17 Feb 1997, Matt M Purington wrote: > Does anyone have any "spam" art (pigs and such) > Here are all the hogs I have: Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: Re: Pig Pics wanted Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 11:01:55 +0100 Organization: G.R.Davies, Kitchens. Message-ID: References: <> PIGS " She'll be right mate, |\ /| She'll be right, \ )_ _( / Don't worry mate, she'll be right. / \ , - - - - - 6 You can get yer piece of pork ( . . ) \ When she slows down to a walk, ( ___ ) \ So don't worry mate, =\(o o)/= \ She'll be right ! " ( ~~~ _ _ _ _ .,/ / \ \ \ ( ( \ - NZ Song \ / \ / \ \ / vv vv v vv -cfbd- == ^..^ _||__(oo)____||___ -||--"--"----||--- _||_( __ )___||___ -||--"--"----||--- -Ian F. Stewart- || || ~..~ ~..~ ||__(oo)____||_____(oo)_||__________|| ||--"--"----||-----"--"-||----------|| ||_( __ )___||____( __ )||__________|| ||--"--"----||-----"--"-||----------|| || || || || ___________________________ / \ ( Oh well, so much for Betsy. ) \ __________________________/ |/ ^..^ '..' _||__(oo)____||_____(oo)_||__________||_ -||--"--"----||-----"--"-||----------||- _||_( __ )___||____( __ )||__________||_ -||--"--"----||-----"--"-||--'..'----||- || || || m(oo)m || -Ian F Stewart- * ^..^ '..' ( ) / _||__(oo)____||_____(oo)_||__________||__(oo)________ / -||--"--"----||-----"--"-||----------||-- \/ -------||- _||_( __ )___||____( __ )||__________||___ ||_______||_ -||--"--"----||-----"--"-||--'..'----||----||----""-||- || || || m(oo)m || ~ ~ -after Ian F. Stewart- ^..^ ( oo ) )~ ,, ,, -Wong- _/\_/) (),~ ( /\______/// \( Making bakon... _/x (/\ )' [_, )==\ / \ )_____(( (( / ||| /// /// ~ ~~ ~~ n._.n `o o' (~@~) -Jason Patterson- _____ ^..^ \9 (oo)_____/ -Randy Ransom- WW WW FRONT VIEW: ========== d^b _,,ddP"""Ybb,,_ d^b d ,dP"' `"Yb, b b,d" "b,d d" ,d""YgP""b, "b d' 8 o g o 8 `b 8 d,gPPPPRg,b 8 8 dP' 'Yb 8 8 8) 8 8 (8 8 Y, Yb dP ,P Ya "8ggggg8" aP "Ya b,,,d aP" 8"Yb,_ _,dP"8 8 8YbbgggddP8 8 -Daniel Au- d b d b """""" """""" SIDE VIEW: ========= , ,db,_,,ddP"""Ybb,,_ d ,dP"' `"Yb, bd" "b, d"b "b d'd b `b ,d88888, ,' 8 d 8 " 8 ,b, d 8 8b b b d Y, ,P b b b "d88888Ya aP "bbb d"Ya aP" 'cc, 8"Yb,_ _,dP"8 8 8YbbgggddP8 8 d b d b -Daniel Au- """""" """""" . /|____|\ _____. __ ` . . ' &/ \^ .\_ RM | __ | RM | | ( (**) ) `. . . \___< - Oink! . -- . |_|~-~|_| ~--~ /\____/\ /\____/\ ( (O__O) ) ('O __ O`) `( (oo) )' ( (oo) ) __( \/ )__ or _( \/ _)_ / \ / . . \ / \ ( < > ) ( <__________> ) ___(/\)________(/\)___ [Seated at a Desk!] -Oliver Clarke- __ '/..\^ __||____( 00.)___||__ --||----" -- "---||-- || ( . ) || __||____(\__/)___||__ --||-----"--"----||-- || || Daniel C. Au &_--~- ,_ { ", ( )_ ,{ ,_@ |/ {|\{ "" " " -Mark Harms- &,----.,_ / ' "_ ( )___( ,_@ female }/ ```}{ "" "" -Ochrony Srodowiska- and &,----.,_ / ' "_ ( )___( ,_@ male }/! }{ "" "" &,----.,_ &,----.,_ &,----.,_ &,----.,_ &,----.,_ / ' "_ / ' "_ / ' "_ / ' "_ /' ,_ )___(&,--=-.,_( )__&,---=.,_ ( )_&,----:,_ ( )&,----.;_ ( &,---- ' "_```}/ ' "_/ ``/ ' "_}/ `/ ' "_ }/ / ' "_ }// _( ,_@ "( )___( ,_@ ( )___( ,_@" ( )___( ,_@"" ( )___( ,_@ ""()__ ` &,----.,_/````&,----.,_ /```&,----.,_ }/``&,----.,_ }/`&,----.,_}/&,- / ' "_ / ' "_ / ' "_" / ' "_"" / ' "_""/ ( )___( ._@ ( )___( ._@ ( )___( ._@ ( )___( ._@ ( )___( ._@( }/% }{ }/% }{ }/% }{ }/% }{ }/% }{}/ ,_"" &,----.,_ "" &,----.,_ ""&,----.,_ "&,----.,_ &,----.,_&,_ ' "_ / ' "_ / ' "_ / ' "_ / ' "_ / ' "_/ _( ,_@ ( )___( ,_@ ( )___( ,_@ ( )___( ,_@ ( )___( ,_@ ( )___( ,_@( `}{ }/````}{ }/````}{ }/````}{ }/````}{ }/````}{}/ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" """" m___ @=" )~~ -Sveta Mordkovich- W W pig |\/( @,' /_ _ ? ( _ _ _ ) << << |\/( "" "" Q' /_ _! This little \ _ _ _) piggy went to << << market. ~~ ~~ This little piggy stayed at home. ( ( ) ) ) ( |\/( |\/( ( (__) * E,~ /_ _ / L ' /_ _ p ______(oo)___/_ ( _ _ _ ) _______________ \ _ _ _) ( _____________ ) << << ( _____________ ) << << \ __________/ '' '' \ __________/ "" "" This little piggy had This little piggy roast beef. had none. |\/( 0' /_ _s {_ _ _ } << << '' '' And this little piggy cried " Wee, Wee, Wee " all the way home. -cfbd- == ,,,,''; ,;,, ,;' ; ,,; ';, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,;;; ,; ;;; ;;'' '';;; ;; ';'', ; ''', ,''' ', ,;' ';;' ,(@) ___ (@), ; ; ' '/, ,\' ' ; ; /\__\___/__/\ ; `; \_/ ; ;`; ;; ; ',;,, ,,','; ; ', ',,,,,,,,,,,,' ,' ; ; ',,,,,,,),,,,,,' ; ;; (__) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ', ; ; ; ;,; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,,,,,,,,,; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; |\/|; ; ; ; ; \|/ ; ; ; ;|\/| ; ; ;\/|\|/ ; ; \|/ |\/| \|/ Charlotte the Pig Artist: Glo Pearl ____ \%%%%%%;. \%%%%%%%%;.. .\. (%%%%%%%%%%%%;. .;%%%;. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;. %%%%%%%%; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;. %%%%%%%%%)__(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;. ;%%%%%% /%%%%%\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%; \%% /%/'''\%%%\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%; '%%%%%%%\. \%%|/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%; %% .;%%%%%%%%%%\|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% (%CCC%%%%CCC%\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ %%%% %% !/ \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ %%%%%% .% %%% \%%%%%%%%%%%%%/'%%%%%%%%% .__\\/__. .%%% o o %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%/'%%%%%%%%%%% \.;%%%%%%%%%;.'%% %%%% ,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ %___.!. /%%%% ,%%%%%%%% \%%%%%%%%%%%%% \%% %%% %%/ %%%%%%\ /%%%% ,%%%%%%%%% |%%%%%%%%%%%%% /%% %%% %% %%%%%%%)?**&%%%% ,%%%%%%%%%%; |%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %%% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%/ ,%%%%%%%%%%%/ /%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /%%% %%%%% %%% %%%%%%%;/',;/%%%%%%%%%;;../%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%/'''\%%%%%% ='''\\ \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //'' ''\\ . ....... $$u .ued$$$$$$" $$$b. ue$$$$$$$$$F $$$$$$u. u$$$$$$$$$$$$$' J$$$$$$$$$eu .e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$c. .d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$u u$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. .,,uu,,.`""?$$$$$$$$$$$" !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.:d$$$$$$$$$$$$$e`"$$$$$$" !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$u"?"" `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Fu$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P"? 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"I'm going to buy some new shoes." Piggy said. ~..~____ (oo) \6 \_____/ Ww Ww When Piggy got to the Town he went into the brand new shoe shop. He wandered around for a while before trying some shoes on. ~..~____ (oo) \6 \_____/ dd dd "Ooooh. I don't like those." Piggy said taking them off and trying different ones on. ~..~____ (oo) \6 \_____/ Vv Vv "Oooooh. I really don't like those. They screw my toes up!" Piggy said taking them off and trying some funny shoes on. ~..~____ (oo) \6 \_____/ @@ @@ "Ooooooh. I like these. I'll pay for them." Piggy said hopping up to the counter. __________ / ______ \ /\/ / \ \/\ / / @ @ \ \ \___/ > \___/ \ ------ / \________/ @ @ @ @ <--- I think these are the shoes "Thank you Piggy. See you soon." The assistant said. Piggy walked towards the Book shop in his new shoes. The Book store was very large and Piggy was quite lost. When he found himself in a aisle of large books. "Mmmmm. I think I'll have a look at that one." Piggy reached up to get the book before going to the counter to buy it. "Thank you Piggy. See you soon." The assistant said. ,.......... .........., ,..,' '.' ',.., ,' ,' : ', ', ,' ,' : ', ', ,' ,' : ', ', ,' ,'............., : ,.............', ', ,' '............ '.' ............' ', '''''''''''''''''';''';'''''''''''''''''' ... Piggy took his book with him. "Mmmmm. Where should I go now? Oh yes. The hair dressers, see if they can do my tail and ears. They need a new look." Piggy said running towards the hairdressers. The hairdresser placed him in a chair and told him to sit still while she showed him some looks. "What about this one?" She showed him in the mirror. C..C____ (oo) \6 \_____/ @@ @@ "Nooooo. I don't like that look, it's too, too. Well, not me." Piggy replied. "How about this one then?" The hairdresser replied. 2..2____ (oo) \6 \_____/ @@ @@ "Nooooo. Too small." Piggy replied. "Okay. This one?" She said. 0..0____ (oo) \6 \_____/ @@ @@ "Nooooo." He said. "This one?" She replied. +..+____ (oo) \6 \_____/ @@ @@ "I like it, but maybe another day I'll have it like that." Piggy said getting bored and very, very tired. "Okay okay. It's getting dark, I'll do one more and then your tail?" She said. Piggy nodded and she did the last one. '..'____ (oo) \6 \_____/ @@ @@ "Perfect! Now, can you do a few things to my tail?" He said. "Okay." She replied. '..'____9 (oo) \ \_____/ @@ @@ "Perfect" Piggy said jumping out of his seat. "Well, I must close up now." The hairdresser said closing all the shop. Piggy walked out and wandered back to his house. "What a lovely day. Tomorrow I'll visit the Farm ..." So Piggy fell fat asleep and drempt of what tomorrow would bring ... ~--~ ---ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz __ (oo) __ | W W | | | | | | | | | |__________| -- ____ Skydancer ____ (\ __ /) (\ __ /) ( \(__)/ ) ~The air of Heaven, ( \(__)/ ) ( /<>\ ) Is that which blows, ( /<>\ ) (\/\/) Between a horses ears~ (\/\/) ( ) ( ) /__\ E-Mail: /__\ == From: Erik Andersson Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: Re: Pig Pics wanted Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 21:11:30 +0200 . __ , |`' `'| ( '__` ) \(oo)/ `--' ____ ,-. ,' `. |/``--/`. | _ (oO '\/ `@ /"\' |___,' `-'~`--' ``' _ _ ;`. ,'/ |`.`-. _____ ,-;,'| | `-.\__,-' `-.__//' | | `| \ , | `. ``` , .' \_` . , , `_/ \ q| ` , |p` / | ' ____ , | | ,' `. | | ( O' O ) | `. \__,.__/ ,' `-._ `--' _,' `------' o--====---------------------------------------------------------===--o ___ ___ __________________ ___ ___ ____/ _ \__/ _ \_____ (------------------) _____/ _ \__/ _ \____ ( _| / \/ \/ \ |_ ) \ Erik Andersson / ( _| / \/ \/ \ |_ ) \( \| ) ( |/ ) (___) __________ (___) ( \| ) ( |/ )/ ` ` \`'/ ' (_________) (_________) ` \`'/ ' ' || || `' `' o--====---------------------------------------------------------===--o == Glo Pearl Dated: March 10, 1993 through April 29, 1994 This is Petunia the pig. ................. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .....//===:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::|| //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::(())::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ ..::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: < ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: > `:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ````''' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ```::::::::::''' :::::: :::::: ````'''' :::::: if pigs had wings.... /====================) /====/=================) /====/===============) /====/==========) ::::::::::/========)::::: :::::::::::::/======):::::::::::: .....//===::::::::::/====):::::::::::::::::: :::::::|| //:::::::::/==)::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::(())::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ ..::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: < ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: > `:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ````''' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ```::::::::::''' :::::: :::::: ````'''' :::::: == From: (Nujie, boy wonder) Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: RE: REQ:Guitars and a little pig Date: 31 May 96 14:19:53 -0500 Organization: Ball State University Message-ID: <> Hey all-- Just thought I'd throw in my signature pig... here he is... (Still looking for a pig with wings, though... ;) ___,_ @/ oo_ ( )___(,_@, }/ `}\ "" "" Hope you like 'em! The pig is mine. Thanks, Mike Feeney == Wed, 22 May 1996 03:41:41 alt.ascii-art Gareth Walwyn at Rhodes University I attach a rather feeble warthog I drew. ("\ /") | ' ` | _ < 0 0 > _ | \\_ / / _ //'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'''`;,/ \_( o o )_/ ' ` ___ ' ; / / | \ ; ; / / \ | ; / /;;;;"'`'`'``' \ \\ \ | | \ \ | | \ | /_/ |_| /_/ |_\ -- ______________________________________________________________ | .,,,. | | Diane Wenner Silicon Valley (?~~~?) | | California USA ))(@ @()) | | (() ^ ((( | |__Anything is possible if you have enough cache!_____\~/______| Copyright 5/96