X-Google-Language: ENGLISH,ASCII-7-bit X-Google-Thread: fbb9d,544688d40fdfb263,start X-Google-Attributes: gidfbb9d,public X-Google-ArrivalTime: 1994-11-22 02:28:32 PST Path: bga.com!news.sprintlink.net!sashimi.wwa.com!not-for-mail From: ssfiit@cs.umb.edu (SuperStreetFighter2Turbo) Newsgroups: rec.arts.ascii Subject: Font: smpoison.flf (small versionof poison.flf!) Date: 21 Nov 1994 21:08:57 -0600 Organization: University of Massachusetts at Boston Lines: 768 Sender: boba@gagme.wwa.com Approved: boba@wwa.com Message-ID: <3arnc9$nvu@gagme.wwa.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com Here is the small version of the Poison figlet font. David kinda shrink it from it's original form and I just figletize it! and Presto! Here it is! =) Here is a sample! @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ !@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@! @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@! !@@!! @!@!@!@! @!! !!@ @!@ @!@@!@! @!! @!!!:! !:! !!: !!! !!: !!: !!: !!: !!: ::.: : : : : : : : : ::.: : : :: :: I did not gziped or uudecoded it! Also, my sig is at the end of this article, cut that off also to ensure figlet works properly. =) Have fun!!!!!!!!!!! =) -----------------8<---------CUT-HERE----------------------8<-------------- flf2a$ 7 5 16 -1 14 smpoison.flf figletized by Vinney Thai poison font composed David Issel date: Nov 18, 1994 Explanation of first line: flf2 - "magic number" for file identification a - should always be `a', for now $ - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed 7 - height of a character 5 - height of a character, not including descenders 16 - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor -1 - default smushmode for this font (like "-m 0" on command line) 14 - number of comment lines $ $@ $ $@ $ $@ $ $@ $ $@ $ $@ $ $@@ @ @@@$@ @@@$@ !@!$@ $ @ :.:$@ @@ @ @@@ @@@$@ !@ !@$ @ $ $ @ $ $ @ $ $ @ @@ @ @@@ @@@$ @ @@@!@@@@@$@ @!@ !@!$ @ !!!:!!!!:$@ :: : :$ @ @@ @@$ @ @@@@@$ @ !@@!!$ @ !@@!!$ @ !!:!$@ :.:.:$ @ :$ @@ @ @@ @@$@ @@!$@ @@!$ @ !!:$ @ :. ::$@ @@ @ @@@@@$ @ @@! @@@$ @ !@!@!$ @ !!: !!!$ @ :.: : .:$@ @@ @ @@@$@ !@$ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ @@ @@@$@ @@@$ @ @@@$ @ !@!$ @ !!!$ @ !:!$ @ : :$@@ @@@$ @ @@@$@ @@@$@ !@!$@ !!!$@ !:!$@ : :$ @@ @ @@@ @@@$ @ @@!!@@$ @ !!!@@!@!!!$@ !:::!!$ @ :.: .::$ @ @@ @ @@@$ @ @@@$ @ @!@!@!@!@$@ !!!$ @ : :$ @ @@ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ !:!$@ ::$ @ :$ @@ @ $ @ $ @ @!@!@!@!$@ $ @ $ @ @@ @ $ @ $ @ $ @ !:!$@ :::$@ @@ @@@$@ @@@$ @ @@@$ @ !!@$ @ !!!$ @ :!:$ @ : :$ @@ @ @@@@@@$ @ @@! 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