title: Grand Tour in Homophobia Row date: 2016-12-28 19:31 > Richard Hammond has been criticised for linking eating > ice-cream with being gay on the latest episode of The Grand > Tour, the TV motoring show he co-hosts with Jeremy Clarkson > and James May. How is there anyone on this planet who is the least bit surprised at this? The pathetic shambling excuses for humanity represented by Hammond and Clarkson have been proud standard-bearers in the "fight" against POLIDICKAL CORRECTNESS **GONE MAD** for _years_. On one occasion, these two morons posted on instagram a shot of themselves standing outside a Fudge Factory with the caption: "We've just got new jobs in this place. As packers" On another, this Culture Warrior reviewed a Jag on Top Gear with the warning that: "In the corners it'll get its tail out more readily than George Michael" Laugh? I nearly started. That's the _lad culture_ these barely sentient cretins represent. A constant drip drip of snide vacuity, a mannishness so insecure that it barely admits of anything beyond banter and a pint. Jeff Bezos looked at that history and chose to give these clowns millions of dollars; that doesn't mean anyone else should.