2019-04-11 - A working phlog setup ---------------------------------- Taking inspiration from demu.red, I now have a functional phlog! I wrote on my blog an in the fediverse the other day that: > Finding it harder and harder to keep using the web. Tracking, attention > hoarding, surveillance, the horror. > It wasn’t meant to be like this. This isn’t what we thought it was going > to be. I'm not sure that the gopher-world is going to provide what I thought it was going to be. So much of the new gopher-sphere is fixated on itself, a sort of meta-navelgazing performance. There are, however, many people who have stepped beyond that, who have made it an almost endlessly interesting and diverse conversation space. That is what I thought the web was going to be. That is what I want to be a part of. The irony of this hasn't escaped me: I now have a static site on the web, but my phlog is dynamic, thanks to the wonders of .dcgi :-)