2019-04-19 - Christina's Reading Questions; Redux ------------------------------------------------- Whew, tough questions to get through today. Can you list three to five of your favourite authors? Why are they your favourite? Iain M. Banks (obm) Author of the Culture Series, whisk(e)y afficionado, man once voted most likely to burn it all to the ground. Constantly inventive, persistently good, with a political viewpoint in all of his writing, of whatever genre. Also a wonderful man to have a drink with, which I managed just the once. Ursula K. leGuin (obm) What more need be said about leGuin? Calling her "the grand dame of science fiction" is insulting to her memory. A lifelong activist, a woman who fought to be treated as an equal in all things, a towering intellect who sits bestride the genre like a beacon for lesser lights. Kameron Hurley One of the most exciting writers currently active in sf/fantasy. Hurley is unapologetic about her views and has imagination to the back them up. Her "God's War" series has one of the most original worlds I've read in decades, she always gives food for thought. Can be a *little* grimdark at times, maybe ;) James Lee Burke I could read Burke's "Dave Roubicheax" novels forever. Hard boiled crime fiction it may be, but lords above, the quality of the prose. If you try him, don't start at the start or the end. Read "Dixie City Jam" first, like I did. You can smell the delta on every page. China Miéville There's just no part of genre writing that Miéville isn't good at, he manages to do everything so brilliantly. From the "New Weird" of Bas-Lag to YA with a hardcore socialist message of "Railsea", he surprises and delights in equal measure. If I had to pick just one book, I'd say "The City & The City", but there are so many others. What are your least favourite genres to read? "Literary Fiction". I can't stand the artifice, the pretence that it is something which is "better". It isn't better, its just a genre, one who's practitioners take themselves *way* too seriously and who delight in looking down their noses at "genre" authors when they steal genre tropes and refuse to acknowledge it, be that Atwood, Rowling or, lately, McEwan. What was the last book you recommended to a friend? Just checking my menshes and posts... I spread myself way too thin. Seems to be Geneveive Cogman's "Invisible Library" series. They're so good, they're like my literary snuggle blanket. I started reading them accidentally, (I thought I was reading Geneveive *Valentine*) but they're so lovely and wonderful and good. Sort of gaslight urban fantasy with leavings of portal fantasy, and a soupçon of romance. Just great books, with the odd spot of mild peril. I think that's probably enough for today. TO BE FURTHER CONTINUED!