2019-10-18 - Bubbles and Baubles -------------------------------- Mostly caught up on my gopher-reading catchup now. I have a lot of stuff to read, and a whole lot of new things to look into, thanks to the gopherverse. Vim-wiki isn't something I'd ever heard of before, and now I'm finding all sorts of use for it, so thanks everybody! Just two things I wanted to talk more about, and I hope I'm not coming to these things too late. Gallowsgryph wrote about their changing workflow processes, and, like many, many nerds before them, complained (a little) about having to relearn mutt. I'd like to put my oar in, and say that I can't stand mutt. It, like a lot of other nerd-cred programs, appears to me to be *wilfully* obscure. The design decisions appear to be almost calculated to frustrate the user, not to empower them. For years now, I've been using alpine. This was something I had shuddering memories of in the days of yore, but, once I started using it, I realised that those memories were clearly false. It is a joy to use, with clear unambiguous instructions present on the terminal at all times while in use. If you've never tried it on your own box, give it a whirl, I think you'll be surprised with what you find. If not, then continue using what takes up the least amount of headspace for you. Plugd over at the Lambda Lab writes an ode to their Ebook Reader. Its a lovely piece, and I applaud all of it, particularly their choice of reader - the Kobo. I and all the menfolk in my home use Kobos, my wife and daughter, for historical reasons, are Kindle users. The Kobo is a great little device, tough and with a fine screen, and, on occasion, cheap and cheerful. Kindle's DRM-encumbered system is something every self-respecting techie with aspirations towards the free should be wary of, so its wonderful to see someone else using these epub-enabled readers. When my girlfriend and I pooled our resources so many years ago, more than half of our baggage we toted into that first apartment consisted of books. In the years before and after our marriage, we continued to amass them, to the point were the bookshelves in our home are filled two- and three- deep with the things. Our kids are *horrified* at this waste, both in terms of the space they take up and in terms of the environmental cost of their production. While they do permit us to give particularly nice books on occasion as a gift, they've made it clear that they'd prefer the trees to stay in the ground, thanks muchly, and have embraced the digital lifestyle wholeheartedly. This, naturally, leads to a slight problem. If, as in the past, we bought a book for one of the kids, then all of their sibs would benefit from that purchase, and the book would be available to them in their turn. With a digital copy, particularly one purchased from Amazon's rental site, that's not an option. So, we decided, a long time ago, that we're not playing that game. When we buy a book, we try to buy it directly from the publisher's own site, or the author if it means they get a wee bit more money from it. That book is then loaded into calibre, and any DRM is stripped from the file, and the book is made available to all the kids on a dedicated calibre-server. On the rare occasions when we can't strip out the DRM, then once we've completed the purchase, I have no compunction whatsoever in visiting the greyer parts of the internet and grabbing a pre-repaired file. Once the author has been paid for their work, and the publisher's avarice has been sated for a book, then I cannot see that doing this hurts any legitimate interest. Finally, just on the issue of the Kobo:- I don't like Kobo's `Nickel` reader. I've replaced it with KoReader on my device, but my sons are perfectly satisfied with the default option. I also don't like Kobo's default fonts. For ages I used Amazon's `Bookerly` font, obtained by hacking my wife's kindle. Recently I read about the Bitter typeface, from one of my favourite type designers, Huerta Typografica. Open source, freely available, and just has nicer (subjectively) enclosures to Amazon's proprietary one. This has already wittered on far longer than I'd intended, so, until next time... KoReader:- https://koreader.rocks/ Bitter:- https://www.huertatipografica.com/en/fonts/bitter-ht