2019-12-03 - In Defence of Ireland (Reply to cdmnky) ---------------------------------------------------- Cdmnky writes [1] that they want to leave the USA, but are conflicted on where to flee to. They consider Ireland, as a majority english speaking country, but, and I quote: "The notoriously majority Catholic Ireland" The thing is, Ireland might be a majority catholic country on paper, but the reality is quite, quite different. I can only speak to my own experience here, but I've seen this country transformed utterly in my time here. When I came here, in 1991, homosexual activity was illegal. Noone had been prosecuted for it in about twenty years, but the crime remained on the books. This was declared illegal in the European Court of Human Rights in 1988 - Norris v. Ireland - and after a long fought campaign the law was finally anulled in 1993. Ireland permitted civil partnerships for same-sex couples in 2010, this was marriage-lite but without the full rights of a married couple. A referendum on the issue in 2015 resulted in same-sex marriage becoming a constitutionally guaranteed right in November 2015. That referendum was passed overwhelmingly, 62% voted yes, 37% voted against. When I came here, reproductive rights were subject to the Eighth Amendement, which gave equal rights to the foetus as to the mother. We fought, long and hard, against this from the moment I came to this country. In 1992, an attempt to limit the right to a termination on the grounds of a risk of self-destruction was defeated in a referendum, 65%-35%. That same day, the right to access information on terminations was put in the Constitution, 60%-40%, and the right to travel to obtain a termination was supported, by a margin of 62%-38%. This "Irish Solution to an Irish Problem" was, of course, unsatisfactory, and the years from 1992-2018 were spent trying, in various campaigns and various ways, to expand the right. Finally, gloriously, in 2018 the "notoriously majority Catholic" Irish voted, 67%-33%, to guarantee the reproductive rights of all women by deleting the Eighth Amendment. In 1991, discrimination against homosexuals and others was pretty rife here. By the Equal Status Act, 2000, all discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation inemployment, vocational training, advertising, collective agreements, the provision of goods and services, and other publicly available opportunities was made illegal, with harsh penalties for those who break that law. The last vestiges of that Act, which allowed schools to terminate a teacher's employment on the basis of sexual orientation where this conflicted with the ethos of the school, were removed in 2015. Gender identity, like everything else on the list, was another long and difficult battle, but again the conflict is mostly complete. Dr. Lydia Foy won the right to an amended Birth Certificate in 2007, and legislation for a gender recognition act was passed September 2015. Transgender people can now obtain legal recognition of their chosen identity without seeing a doctor or receiving any medical treatment. Not everything is perfect in all of this. There are still some areas which desperately need work, such as the vast majority of schools still identifying as Catholic. As an atheist of jewish heritage, I have never been excluded from Irish society. My four kids have all attended catholic schools, and the experience has been overwhelmingly positive. The people of this island nation seem to reflexively identify as catholics, but i think this is more of a cultural identity than any deep-seated religiosity. In 1991, 91% of the population identified as catholic, only 2% as nonreligious. In 2016, 78% responded to the census identifying as catholic, and 10% as nonreligious, the largest non-catholic group. When looking at how this might proceed in the future, you can look at how people marry. In 2018 less than half of all marriage ceremonies in Ireland were catholic, just 47%. Almost all of the rest were civil ceremonies. There are many reasons to argue that Ireland has a long road yet to travel, income equality and equality of opportunity are two which need considerable improvement. The country was devastated by the Great Recession, and the recovery has been unequal in every sense of the word. We need to change this, and I, and people like me, continue to fight for an Ireland which treats all of its children equally. What the country isn't, however, is a Catholic Country. [1]: gopher://seedy.xyz/1/phlog/2019/12-03/