2019-12-27 - 2019 Reading Review -------------------------------- This is something which I've been doing for a few years now, my 2018 and 2016 lists are on my old website. Looking at the full list, I can see that I only managed to read 35 books this year, a significant drop on 2018 (45) and even below 2017's 39. There are a few reasons for that, most importantly real life got in the way to an extent that I hadn't really appreciated. Last year's bumper numbers were also buttressed by my ploughing through the incredible Murderbot novellas. So then, on with the show, and here are my 2018 Reading Awards! Best Science Fiction Novel The Light Brigade - Kameron Hurley Easily the winner for me this year, Hurley's latest book sees her take her rightful place in the company of people like Haldeman, Scalzi or (spit) Heinlein. The Light Brigade is as good as "The Forever War", it speaks more to the political situation of today than "Old Man's War" and it is more mature and developed than "Starship Troopers". Don't read any synopses of this, go into it cold, and marvel as it slowly reveals its many secrets. Simply fantastic. Honorable Mentions If Kameron hadn't published, then Emma Newman's "Atlas Alone" would unquestionably have taken the prize. Fourth in her planetfall series, she continues to explore psychological injury in ways which are utterly brilliant. I stupidly failed to meet her to thank her for these books at WorldCon. Elizabeth Bear knocked out a wonderful SF novel in "Ancestral Night", Adrian Tchaikovsky continued his unalloyed incredibleness in "Children of Ruin"... I read *so* much great SF this year. Best Fantasy Novel The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon This book should be a reference point for Epic Fantasy Done Right. Just astonishingly inventive, incredible worldbuilding, fabulous characters, use of "European" and "Asian" magic/belief structures that don't insult, patronise or minimise. Its a weighty tome, pushing 900 pages, but I never felt tired of reading it. Just lovely, and a standout novel in a year of some stiff competition. Honorable Mentions Said competition coming in the form of Tasha Suri's "Empire of Sand", Jenn Lyons' "A Ruin of Kings", Seth Dickinson's "The Monster Baru Cormorant", KS Viloso's "The Wolf of Oren-Yaro". Any of those books, any of them, could have taken the best book slot. This has been a great year for the Fantasy world, and it is maddening to me to think that people consider GRRM's output to be the pinnacle of this genre. Best Debut Novel Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir Yeah, I invented this category because so many of the books I read this year were debuts. I am astonished at the quality of the writing in so many of them, but of them all, this book is simply unparalleled, it is sharp, it is fantastic, it is everything I could want in contemprary Science Fiction. The blurb calls it "Lesbians in Space" but a) Kameron already wrote that book and b) that's kinda missing the point. These are no ordinary Lesbians. These are Lesbian Necromancers and Ninjas and a ruined Civ and WOW. Also: Fucking Gideon. Honorable Mentions The Outside - Ada Hoffman - explores questions of identity and perception from the point of view of a neurodivergent protaganist, stunning; Do You Dream of Terra Two - Temi Oh - slow patient exploration of the very concept of space travel, an utter delight; The Quantum Magician - Derek Künsken - Oceans Eleven in Space, a heist job which is a hell of a lot deeper than many of the reviews suggest, making it likely they didn't read the book. Worst Book of the Year Lookit, none of the books I finished this year were bad. Some weren't as great as those listed above, some were equally as good, I just had to choose some for this review of the year piece. Of those I DNF'd, one book stands out as a serious disappointment - Anne Charnock's "Dreams Before the Start of Time". This won the Clarke last year, and for the life of me, I cannot understand why. Overwritten, underdeveloped, it just left me cold. I loved all of the other books on that shortlist, and I cannot for the life of me see how this was better than any of them. And Finally This year, I started reading two series which others had recommended to me, but I'd never actually gotten round to. Adrian Tchaikovsky's "Shadows of the Apt" and Ben Aaranovitch's "Rivers of London". When I get my time machine, I am heading back to have *very* strong words with past me for not reading these when they came out. If you like any of the books I've mentioned here, you will love these series. If you already like them, then I congratulate you on your fine taste, and recommend all of the above to your consideration. Keep reading, keep enjoying, be excellent to one another. Much love, dgold.