2020-06-02 - Peelers and Posses (reply to rak) ---------------------------------------------- rak idly wonders aloud: > I can't help but wonder why Peel's Principles of Policing were > never adopted into American culture. The answer, of course, in this as so many things, is slavery. Policing in the nascent Colonies or States, outside the large cities, was a task undertaken by members of the local community. Most often these were posts taken by the most senior slave overseer in an area. In a time and place when owned humans outnumberd their free counterparts, the greatest threat was always that of a rebellion of the enslaved. The first slave patrols were organised in the very early 1700s. These patrols consisted of the Sherrif (see above) and members of the community deputised to his command. They established control points on roads and rivers, questioning all slaves as to their business, origin and destination. From the patrols grew the system of county courts, where disputes regarding owned humans were settled. This system of preventative policing was omnipresent in the colonies, and continued in the slave holding states. The concept of the _civic_ police force, by contrast, only arose in the early 1800s. This type of police force was centred around the principles you wrote about, but its worth noting that those principles were honoured in the breach than in the practice. Much of the time of the early Peelers was spent beating up the Irish, Jews, Italians and other immigrants who were then making England their home due to the civil disturbances engulfing Europe. Meanwhile, the system of county-based patrols, born of the slave era, was simply cut and pasted onto the new territories being controlled by the United States, now with the Native American population as the terrorised population. The greater military strength of that population, however, meant that the police in the new territories were much more militarised, with the ability to deputise entire posses of heavily armed men to protect the property of the settlers against the alien and the strange. In time, these same posses were heavily used in the cattle wars as the farming style of the territories moved from transitory to enclosures, from communal to specific. They were used again in the mineral rush frontier. In the newly Industrialised Central areas, meanwhile, the posse and the county system were pressed into service for a new master - capital - and saw the vicious destruction of organised labor. I could go on and on, but, tl;dr, Policing developed at different times and for different purposes in the UK and the US. The county-based system, born of slave patrols, suited the interests of the ruling classes in the US better than the Peelian Principles. I'm sorry if all of the above comes across as 'splaining. The history of policing is just an area of personal and professional interest. I've done a few courses is all, I'm no expert. I'm happy to learn that I'm wrong, or took something up wrong.