2020-06-10 - On the Abolition of Policing ----------------------------------------- In the interests of encouraging discourse, I thought I'd spend a short amount of time outlining what "Defund the Police" and "Abolish the Police" means, in the context of the present situation in the United States. To listen to some on the right, in print and TV, you'd think the two had the same meaning, viz. an absence of any policing at all. Fact is, neither of the phrases actually mean that. That's a "ten word answer", and should be rejected by everyone as such. Instead, both refer to *Reform* of the Police, neither phrase implies an *absence* of policing. "Defunding the Police" is in fact the lesser reform. Its a phrase designed to catch attention, and to draw the listener into a discourse. It refers, rather, to the ludicrous levels of funding which policing currently enjoys in the United States. To take an example, fully 4% of all US GDP is spent on Law Enforcement, compared to less than 1% in the EU27. Policing outcomes, in terms of crimes solved, police brutality, deaths of suspects, any metric you can choose, are far better in the EU for that 1%. To take another example, the Police Budget for the city of Los Angeles (population 4m) is twice the size of the entire Japanese National Police Force (126m). Why is this the case? Primarily, its because since the election of Richard Nixon in 1972, social services in the United States have been stripped of funding. Mental healthcare, housing, youth interventions, drug awareness programs, domestic violence interventions, public transportation, everything was defunded in the interests of "fiscal rectitude." Fact is, none of that money was saved, it just got spent on policing! And police are the _last_ people who should be dealing with mental health victims, domestic violence, the homeless, the addicted. "Defund the Police" means taking some of that money *back*, and spending it where is *should* be spent. That's all. The Police would still continue, maybe with a little less money to spend on tanks and darth vader cosplay. "Abolish the Police" is a far deeper reform, and one which has a scary-ass name, one given to it by right wingers. Like "Defund the Police", the phrase covers over a sea of competing and disparate views on what policing _should_ be, but they all start from the same position - the Disestablishment of Current Police Forces, and their replacement with a Community-Based System. This has happened many times, in many places. Most famously, it happened on this Island, in 2001. Following the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, the Royal Ulster Constabulary was a force out of time and place. It was associated strongly with one side of the conflict, and was literally *lousy* with corrupt officers and extremists. So, in 2001, they were all sacked - every man and jack of them. They were all invited to apply to a new Police Force - the Police Service of Northern Ireland - a force which has community relations and representation in its DNA. Has it been an unqualified success? Lol, no, this is Northern Ireland, sonny! But it _is_ better than what went before, costs massively less and has massively more community support. Or, in an american context, the best example is Camden, New Jersey. That was routinely named as the most violent city in the US, and its police force had a long history of corruption and infiltration. Taking the example of the PSNI, they abolished the old force, and invited the officers to join a new one. The results speak for themselves. City crime dropped in *half*. The conviction rate increased 2,000%, drug addiction rates plummeted. Deaths in custody are now almost unheard of, brutality reports are minimal, and result in automatic suspensions and investigations. That's what "Abolish the Police" can do. It is the reform which the United States is crying out for. Don't let propagandists deceive you, the phrases are cover for a deeper and more principled approach to how lives are lived. Something I think everyone can get behind.