2023-01002 - 2022 Reading Reccs =============================== (This was originally a thread on mastodon but I thought if was more suited to a blog post) right, so people are doing their end of year confabulations, thought i'd lend my tuppence'orth. this year i read 56 works of sf or fantasy, or 24,106 pages. slightly more works by women or people-identifying-as-such than the converse this year. and what a year of reading it was. i had read all of the hugo nominees before the shortlist came out, which was a rarity in the past. i rated 23 of the 56 as 5/5 - books which i enjoyed so much that i would push them on other people, either in the online sphere or, as has become increasingly the case, my daughter and youngest son. so, picking out a small few of those from that list is a difficult task. first recommendation is the one i spoke of today - Adrian Tchaikovsky's "Children of Memory", a twisty space opera tale which is quite unlike any such 've read in recent years, save for his own itwo earlier books in the series. second book i recommend is R.F. Kuang's "Babel". this was a booktok fave earlier in the year, but don't let that put you off! an alt-world urban fantasy set in a Victorian-era British Empire which control the world thanks to magical silver, it is every bit as outraged and angry as Kuang's earlier work (The Poppy War) but this is controlled, potent rage. Monica Byrne's "The Actual Star" is a strange, delicate piece, riven through with unspeakable violence but always with a voice which is utterly transporting. of all the books i read this year, this one has probably stayed with me the most, part-solarpunk, part-hopepunk, part historical fiction, part mind-bending "magical realism", it is a simply powerful book. C.L. Clark's "The Unbroken" is a taut fantasy novel with an incredible commentary about exploitation, colonialism and justice. some of the best world-building i've read this year, easily comparable to more feted books, and always tightly written with a propulsive narrative. just brilliant. so many books, i know not where to stop... Ryka Aoki's "Light from Uncommon Stars", P. Djeli Clark's "Master of Djinn", Ruuthanna Emrys' "A Half-Built Garden" and "Winter Tide"... A special mention to RJ Barker's "The Bone Ships' Wake", the most perfect conclusion to the strangest most wonderful world i've ever read (Ay, d'Keeper? Ay!) i'll stop there lest i embarrass myself. there are so many good books in the sf/f genre these days. so many authors of staggering ability in world-building and narrative, in twistiness and in dialogue with the times we live in. i just don't have time to read them all. -- dgold