(DIR) Previous post - X68k introduction
       @ The PSU whodunnit mystery @
         To have a working computer, we need *power*. As mentioned in the initial 
       post, the original PSU is busted. I've decided against trying to fix it and 
       instead started looking for other, more reliable solutions. Quickly I stumbled 
       upon this neat little project by mattsoft[1] that makes it possible to retrofit 
       a Pico PSU-based solution into the original, "tetris shaped" PSU's case. 
       Ordered the PCB and parts from the BOM, and after a few weeks, I was ready to 
       go. The lightning bolts of power from JLCPCB came first:
 (IMG) Printed PCBs
       Oftentimes Pico PSUs are powered by external bricks, but in my case I wanted 
       something looking as original as possible, so decided to put the AC/DC 12V 
       converter directly inside the power supply and feed its output into the Pico, 
       which would generate values required by the computer. As you can see, the 
       converter takes most of the space, and the rest of the board is very simple:
 (IMG) Board with sockets installed
       I was able to snip the power connectors from the original PSU.
       The cables are color-coded and differ between models, 
       but for Expert/Expert II/Super/XVI/030 it goes like this:
       > red (thick):  +5V
       > black......:  ground
       > red (thin).:  +5V standby
       > yellow.....:  power on
       > blue.......:  +12V
       > gray.......:  -12V
       Take note that there are in fact two connectors - the bigger one connects to 
       the bottom daughterboard, and the small one with two pins goes to the main 
       board. By the way, the small connector is supposed to go from one side of the 
       case to the other and it's a pain to put it through its dedicated hole at the 
       bottom of the case, be careful to not yank it too hard and not cut yourself 
       with the shielding. 
       But when you have both of them figured out, you can connect them to the 
       terminals on the PSU PCB:
 (IMG) Power connector cables connected attached to the PSU
       But that's not all, there are also another two, smaller, three-pin 
       connectors - one for the floppy drives and one for the SASI/SCSI hard drive 
       (if you have it). 
       The thing about them is, they need to be connected to the Pico PSU directly, 
       not via the terminals fed from the ATX molex, there's just not enough amperage 
       there. You can see where they are supposed to go in the pic above, right where 
       the big molex cable is sticking out right now. The pinout for these connectors 
       looks like this:
       > red..:  +5V
       > blue.:  +12V
       > black:  ground
       And in the end, this whole thing needs a new cable. The original uses a two-
       prong, Japanese-style power cord that I obviously can't use in Europe as it is. 
       So instead I opted for a cable with a traditional, grounded shuko plug. If you 
       are going to do the same, be sure to connect the board's and AC/DC converter's 
       grounds and then connect it with the cable's ground. 
       The easiest way to do it is by using metal spacers while mounting a converter 
       on the board. I only had plastic ones, so had to do this little contraption 
       instead (do not recommend, partially for a reason that will be obvious 
       in a second):
 (IMG) Plastic spacers
       After soldering and screwing everything together, it does indeed look rather 
       tidy! But does it work? Well, time for a quick smoke test aaaand... nothing.
       The first Pico PSU I've got didn't want to wake up for some reason. Standby +5V 
       was here, but no matter what it didn't want to wake up. I assumed it was 
       broken. Now, after some time passed, it got tested, and looks like I was wrong 
       and it's innocent.  I have an idea why it was misbehaving, but it's related to 
       another X68k issue I am going to talk about in the next post. Anyway, after a 
       week I got another Pico, replaced it, and... still nothing.
       Well, not exactly nothing. The converter was emitting quiet, whiny beeps. So 
       now it's shorting? My first reaction was to blame the new Pico (you can tell 
       I am a tad paranoid about these tiny ITX PSUs...), but checked it, and of 
       course it was fine. So I started taking the whole PSU apart, piece by piece. 
       There was definitely a short between 12V and the ground somewhere on the board! 
       But where?
       The inverter was fine, the terminals were properly soldered, and the converter 
       itself was doing fine on its own too... But the short was there, clear as day. 
       After two hours of looking my mental state was getting very similar to Chuck's 
       from the Better Call Saul final episode of season 3:
 (IMG) Chuck
       But then I decided to take the whole converter out of the board (at that point 
       the only thing that was still in place), and while doing that, 
       I finally saw it. 
       The tiny, tiny scratch on the 12V plane, hiding under one of the eye ends in my 
       grounding contraption. My phone camera isn't doing it justice, but zoom a bit 
       on a previous picture and you can see it:
 (IMG) The scratch
       A few minutes of hysterical giggling later I fixed it and of course, everything 
       started tow work fine. Finally!
       @ Power on @
       After making sure the PSU isn't going to blow up, it was time to finally 
       connect the freshly recapped X68000 and see what happens. We (polprog was with 
       me for this big day) didn't have high expectations, but after some quick checks 
       with the oscilloscope, we confirmed that the computer is at least now doing 
       something. That *something* turned out to be something much better than we 
       thought because when we managed to hook it up to my OSSC, this is what we saw!
 (IMG) It's alive!
       Even not knowing Japanese, you can tell it's a great sign. But just to be 
       thorough, it says:
       正しいディスクをセット セット。」
       Which loosely translates to (as you can imagine):
       "Can't boot from the floopy disc, please insert the correct disc."*
       @ What now? @
       Sadly that's as far as I went for now. Day after taking this picture my OSSC 
       decided it was time to die. Luckily I remember how the RGB output was looking 
       like on the scope, so I can at least make sure it still works when I am 
       debugging other things. What other things, you'll ask? I noticed a problem with 
       the soft power switch circuit, so that's one thing. And a week ago I got some 
       actual boot discs, so I can start testing the floppy drives after I'll clean 
       This computer is definitely a *project*, but I am so relieved to see it at 
       least boots up fine! /(≧ x ≦)\
 (HTM) [1] GitHub - X68k Pico PSU by mattsoft
 (DIR) Back to the attic
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