       Last weeks of 2022 were so busy I barely had time to sit and think about
       anything. I feel kinda exhausted, but right now it's only me, my drink,
       and my MD player. So I think it's a good time to do a short summary of my
       achievements and progress in 2022. If you think it's kinda cheesy then
       I agree, but my therapist insists it's going to help with my impostor syndrome.
       Oh well, we'll see about that...
       ⍟ Created the Spookbench site and this Gopherhole, also managed to NOT abandon
       them after a month. I find writing to be very soothing, should do it even
       more often in 2023.
       ⍟ Gave my first hobby-related public presentation, at my local university,
       as a "special guest" during retrocomputing seminars. I was talking about
       MSX computers, a little show-and-tell with my Sony HB-1. 
       A bit awkward but it was fun and I made new friends.
       ⍟ One of those friends was a head coder from an Amiga demoscene group,
       Ghostown, at the time he was working at the univeristy. One thing led to
       another and I got accepted to the group as a new coder. We're still working
       on our newest production, so until we publish anything together, I tend to not
       brag about it. Cool guys, we attented a few demoparties together already!
       ⍟ Finally decided to rectify mistakes of my teenage years and made some steps
       to get into higher education. I kinda... skipped some of my high school final
       exams (it's a long story, for another phlog post) and as a result I need to 
       take them this year. All paperwork is done and currently I going through 
       all the math stuff I managed to forget during all those years.
       ⍟ By the end of 2021 I picked up Japanese lessons. I'm proud to announce
       I've sticked up with it and now I can speak badly in three languages!
       Jokes aside, I'm still garbage, but I know around 400 kanji by now. It's a fun
       language and I really need it, because...
       ⍟ ...during the summer I fulfilled my dream and imported an X68000 from Japan.
       It's my favourite pet project now. When I got it, it was completely dead, and
       now I am getting very close to running first floppies. Of course most resources
       and software is not available in English, but I met some helpful, like-minded 
       nerds from Japan who helped me with stuff.
       ⍟ Finished a bunch of other, smaller projects - made my first PCB ever (a simple
       FDD adapter for PS/2 computers), installed Plan 9 on an old Google Search 
       Appliance machine (I had to use freaking power tools to get inside this damned
       thing, Google bolted it shut), rescued a few Game Boys, made a nice networking
       setup for my Amiga 1200, got another X68000 for a friend and fixed it too, 
       installed a modchip in my GameCube to enjoy some games, fixed my turntable 
       (twice, this poor thing). All in all, nothing groundbreaking really, but I 
       learned a lot. My knowledge about electronics went from "well, I kinda know 
       what a capacitor is" to being able to semi-comfortably mess around power 
       supplies and use an oscilloscope and a logic analyser properly to diagnose
       ⍟ I'm not super happy about this one, but I became a technical leader
       of my team at work. More decisions, more responsibility, C suite people
       being a major pain in the ass but hey, "tech lead" sounds like something
       to brag about.
       ⍟ Right at the end of the year, I joined (and finished in time) LoveByte's
       Tiny Code Christmas. Kinda like the Advent of Code, but for making 
       classic demoscene effects in TIC-80. It was very fun! I need to archive
       it somewhere and update this post with a link to the stuff I made.
       ⍟ Managed to spend this year to the very end with people I love the most
       joys together, they listened to my old computer babbling, I was listening
       to them talking about their stuff, from herbalism to secrets of tagging
       anime girls on Danbooru.
       Wow, that was a long year. I had to make many hard decisions, suffered
       some loss, had some nasty personal drama... but ultimately everything
       turned out more or less alright. I am hopeful about the future and excited
       about some secret incoming projects I am preparing for.
       Year of a *Rabbit*, right? If this isn't a sign this is going to be my year,
       then I don't know what is, I love rabbits. /(≧ x ≦)\
       PS: do you know the symbol I used for bullet points here? The fancy star in 
       a circle? ⍟
       It's a symbol for logarithms in the APL. It used a whole bunch of funky
 (HTM) APL on Wikipedia
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