On My Experience Within the Bitreich IRC: Some people within this community seem to adhere to the supremacy of Gopher to the exclusion of every other protocol, contradictory to their Manifesto and "Plurality Project," which imply one use the best tool/protocol for the job and to stop "moving towards designing singularities." To put it simply, some of the people in the IRC and associated with the project can be very hostile towards anyone who even mentions Gemini. I also question their focus on programmer-first software, which comes with the implication that anyone who does not (or is unable to) use a terminal or other programmer tools must be lesser. Finally, while their manifesto suggests "Freedom of Language", it doesn't go far enouugh to it's logical conclusion, which is "Freedom of Protocols". Even the mention of Gemini will get you yelled at in the IRC by @__20h__ for "spreading Gemini filth" as @__20h__ puts it. 20h is clearly propagating the idea that Gemini was created to replace Gopher, which is not and was not the case, as was explicitly described by Gemini's creator, solderpunk, who is still part of the Gopher community. I always wondered why Solderpunk was so adamant about Gemini not being a replacement for Gopher, and now I know why - it's because some people have set themselves up against the Gemini community when they could have been friends with the rest of the Gopher and Gemini community. In response to this exclusionary mindset, I will be promoting the other alternative protocols to the Web and Gopher more, including Nex, Spartan, Titan, Misfin, and Guppy. They all have their uses, they all have unique attributes, and one is not better than any of the others. AuraGem provides sites for all of these protocols, and I intend to expand my Search Engine to crawl all of these protocols as well. Gopher will be the last to be implemented because it is the least imoprtant when some of these other protocols don't even have one search engine available. Remember, don't bite the hand that feeds you. gemini://auragem.letz.dev/ nex://auragem.letz.dev/ spartan://auragem.letz.dev/ gopher://auragem.letz.dev/0/freedom_of_protocols_initiative.txt