TREE-TOP TILDE I've had this idea in mind for quite a while, but I spent a long time thinking about it yesterday while assembling circuit boards. Basically it seems a neat idea to me to set up a tilde server in a tree. Basically grab a Pi Zero, put it in a sealed box alongside a battery, 5V switch-mode voltage regulator, mobile broadband modem, and solar charge controller, plus a solar panel on top. Hoist it up a tree and you've got a tree-top tilde. But to make it interesting, poke some wide-angle, preferably night-vision capable, cameras out each side to frequently grab still frames that people can view, as well as a microphone so that noises from birds and anything else making a show of itself, can be listened into via a live stream. Might as well throw in temperature, humidity, etc. sensors to have an idea of what it feels like up there. Then put it in some remote location, perferably with a good view, though obviously also with decent mobile phone reception. The spot that comes to mind for it would be atop the cliff overlooking the river crossing that I visited on my last little country drive. It's state park land according to the map, so undoubtably there'd be a law against it, but I figure it would be a fair while before anyone noticed, especially if it were a bit disguised (though the solar panel makes that hard). Another issue is that for that spot I'd have to cross a ford and climb up a very steep 4x4 track every time I needed to attend to it (more cause to doubt that others would discover it though). It would probably be wisest to set it up in a less interesting but more nearby location for starters, while I work out the bugs. There's few good condidates for that as well. Obviously for users there's not much technically exciting about having access to a slow SBC, over a slow internet link, with an unreliable power supply. However I'd like to think that people would enjoy the novelty, and also have fun doing things like motion processing on the camera images to detect animals, as all those sensor inputs would be open for reading by tilde members. Resources would need to be limited significantly of course, user-hosted public content would probably be Gopher-only for this reason. The main issue is cost. With mobs like Oracle offering free (and _much_ more powerful than a Pi Zero) VPS access, the cost of setting up a regular Tilde can potentially be $0, if also using a free sub-domain from somewhere like On the other hand for this I'd have to fork out for lots of gear, then commit to paying some significant (to me) sum each year for the mobile broadband connection. The latter issue is confounded by the fact that most providers put you behind a CGNAT. You can of course use SSH reverse forwarding to still make the content accessible via another server running on a VPS, but asthetically it would be nice to be connecting to the tree-top server directly, and also the odds of losing remote access are much higher if you're relying on a system like that. There are providers of fixed-IP mobile broadband SIMs, but this of course means more $$$. It would be neat though to have a central server at eg. and then hang a community of tildes off that like,, and so on with trees finding themselves affixed with tilde-hosting Pis all over the world. That could also centrally manage the SSH reverse forwarding. Well, one can dream. - The Free Thinker, 2022 PS. I realised later that another issue would be the risk of it catching fire, especially the battery if a Lithium type is used and it over-heats in the summer. Probably best to keep it within one's own property and perhaps use a SLA battery on the ground (due to the weight).