FOOLING WITH ELECTRICITY PT.2 ELECTRO-TELEKINESIS This is all about levitation. The background story is that you invented a way to amplify your own telekenetic abilities so that you can make things levitate with your mind, while wearing a special glove attached to an eccentric-looking electronic machine. "But one thing that's always bugged the design is that you can only move one thing at a time. When I offered my services to people, they say that's no problem, and they'd hire me for jobs like lifting a piano up to the second story of a house. But nevertheless the person upstairs would get very annoyed when they started receiving each key from the keyboard individually. So now I present it here purely for your visual amusement..." First the glove itself does all the magic. The idea is to arrange it with a bowl of ultrasonic transducers that are formed when you close your hand up to a certain point fixed by a structure within the glove. The glove will need to have a bit of a webbed aspect to this, something like a baseball glove which you'll be wearing on your other hand later. With this you can possibly pull of some classic "ultrasonic accoustic levitation" tricks with really tiny/light objects. Maybe add a wire mesh layer in the glove's construction and stick in a small tesla coil to make some arcs. Lift things off a table if possible. This won't be all that impressive, but it sets the foundations for the following step which is to ask the audience for anyone with a solid metal ring (no jewels etc.) that you can levitate. Note around this time that you've been toying with the power levels. This time you use a trick built into the table. Also put on a baseball glove to catch it in the air.