FINALLY ON THE 'NET Finally, this phlog is online. It was meant to be a couple of days ago, but I kept fumbling my public keys and by the time I could log into the account I didn't have time to do much. Plus it turns out that the ancient OpenSSH that I have on this Pentium 1 doesn't support any of the new encryption cyphers required, so I have to ssh into another machine to ssh/sftp into the server (or just get sensible and upload from another PC). Of course it also prompted me to finally try compiling a new OpenSSH on a faster machine running a similar system, but that meant compiling a newer OpenSSL, which required a newer Perl as a compile-time dependancy, which thankfully itself compiled without much drama. OpenSSL _just_ managed to compile, after disabling multi-thread support (not much of an issue for my Pentium), haven't actually started yet on OpenSSH though. By the way, the documentation for compiling OpenSSL in a non-standard location is very confusing - and does it really need so many man pages? Having just jumped into this phlogging thing, I hadn't set up the gophermaps or sorted out how the phlog index would be generated. I looked into some of the existing phlog gophermap generator scripts (mkphlog by Octotep, Phlogit by Slugmax, both over at but they seemed more complex than I needed them to be. At a bare minimum this one-liner (split over two lines so that it survives wrapping) does the job: cp phloghead gophermap; for i in `ls -r *.txt`; do echo -e "0$i\t";\ done >> gophermap That just reads a "phloghead" file containing the header text, then appends all of the text file filenames in reverse order (which works with the convention of starting each filename with a %Y-%M-%D formatted date). But I wanted to update the home gophermap with the name of latest post, plus automatically run "fold" on the latest post. So I ended up making a, still very simple, script that I'll put up for download at some point soon, called Anyway, I'll tinker away away with gophermaps and SSH in the evenings and hopefully get to where I wanted this to be on Sunday by the end of the week (which is the way that everything I do tends to turn out anyway). The main thing is that I did get (at least mostly) here by the end of 2019. - The Free Thinker