A JOB A DAY Over three months ago I posted about EOFY. I just read that again (actually I've been surprised to find that I really like reading my own posts, especially given that I forget what I've written very quickly, "hey this guy's great! Oh yeah, he's me...") and really it's surprising that I talk about anything else because that post basically summarises 90% of my practical daily thoughts. Money, really. How to make it, and my answers are completely confused and contradictory at this point, without much hope of resolution unless I just stumble my way to some sort of success. What I do like about working for myself, and generally aiming to do everything myself because other humans are way too expensive, is the variety. Granted I lose that pretty quickly as soon as I get stuck on something, and since quick projects have proved not to sell I'm spending months stuck working on... well mainly software/firmware stuff. But besides that, there are a lot of individual jobs that need doing at relatively infrequent intervals, just for a few days, and I quite enjoy that. Things like assembling a batch of devices, ordering parts, the initial design, building prototypes, writing documentation, marketing, customer service (though the "my order never arrived" complaints are never fun, not least because there's not much help to be found from the postal service). Indeed programming and hardware/software debugging are in there too but they just overstay their welcome. It's odd to think that most people in the associated industry/ies do just one of these jobs, endlessly, every working day. Back to my last post about hobbies, maybe this is another definition (and one that I'm sure I've heard before). A hobby is a job that you enjoy, but wouldn't want to do every day. So I'm aiming to live in a world of hobbies? Probably not quite, but there's a certain aspect of that for sure. My main problem though is that I've really never experienced a money-earning job that I could imagine wanting to do for more than my week-long "hobby duration". I _could_ do the job, but a month in I'd be as grumpy, bitter, and angry as I could get about the whole thing. For the last couple of days I've been ordering parts - a wonderful excuse to spend more money than I ever do on anything else (car maintenance and bills aside). Great fun digging down to find the best deals, while also being able to refer to the original design to confirm where cheaper parts can be substituted. It's a wonderful world where the thrill of finding a few hundred of a $0.45 part for $0.20 as part of a clearance sale is enough to make my day. For those who haven't had the pleasure, the task goes more or less like: "If I get 400 the total price is x, but to get 1000 costs x+(1/4*x) given the price breaks so... no wait here's a lot of 20,000 for about the same as x, oh but then it's $11.81 postage, but I wonder if they have any parts for that other thing that needs re-ordering soon, and I can distribute that postage cost". It's great fun, for a day or two, after which I start to drown in all the numbers, my eyes are strained from looking at the computer monitor, I can feel myself getting fatter as I fail to move for hours on end, and the passion that drove me to shave $0.02 off the cost of that transistor has withdrawn to leave me meerly comparing the same part number between a couple of catalogues. I'm sick of it, not doing a very good job of it (though probably as good as any non-obsessive who'd spending someone else's money), and definitely need to go and drill holes in some electronics enclosures or something. But back to my EOFY post, I actually wrote that partly to motivate myself to make a start on preparing my tax return. But as always there were too many things that always needed to be done yesterday, so as with every year it's only a couple of weeks until its due at the end of the month and I haven't even started. Weekdays are still devoted to getting some multitude of projects finished so I'll be doing it on the weekends, or trying to but distracting myself with nonsense like this so that I'll probably still have to finish it in business time. But the point is, it's time to be an accounant for a few days. Actually that's pretty similar to parts ordering, so I'm probably about to get sick of it even quicker than usual. - The Free Thinker