FIRST, CHOOSE YOUR FONT One thing that I've tried to resist with computers is the seemingly near-universal obsession with minor variations in what I would call 'equivalent abstractions'. The most direct example of this is programming languages. 'Knowing' a long list of programming languages seems to be the base material of computer geek cred, at least within certain circles. I'm not entirely sure what the definition is for 'knowing' a programming language anyway, and personally as someone who quickly forgets any skills that he doesn't use in about a year, it's kind-of unattainable by any definition, at least in any way that isn't quite unenjoyably strict. But it also seems to be to be kind-of pointless. The language is, at the end of the day, purely an abstraction to be fed into the compiler. Once you find one serviceable language that works for you, can there really be so much gain for investing lots of time and energy into finding one that works better? The language shouldn't be defining the way your programs work in the first place, and it should have libraries for adding extra functionality that you don't want to implement yourself. It just seems to me like a waste of time. Personally I stick to Bash for scripting, C for performance, and PHP for web programming. In fact that last one may technically be surplus, and indeed I'm having to go through a re-learning phase for it whenever I need to work on my online-store code, because I've forgotten everything in the interveening months - C might have been a better choice if I'd picked out a good set of libraries to use (though I'd forget how they worked as well I suppose). The same applies to why I haven't tried out any of the BSD OSs - at the end of the day so long as Linux has better hardware and software support it makes sense to pour effort into understanding all the details of it rather than confusing myself with two different means to the same end. The same goes for desktop environments, and the controversial things like Systemd and Wayland. I don't object to people making alternatives if the existing solutions don't actually work for them, but the boundless enthusiasm of many computer types for exploring new ways to achieve the same basic hardware operations, with what are really tiny theoretical variations to the software or human interfaces above that level, often just seems silly. As I see it, Linux vs BSD, C vs Go, Bash vs Python, it's little more purposeful than fussing over which font to use when writing code. If you can read the damn text then what does it matter? Actually I just remembered that I have seen long discussions about which font people use for writing code, so I guess such people do fuss over that too. Anyway personally I say just get on with it, forget the font and just bloody do something! - The Free Thinker