RAMBLING ON AGAIN The Woman in the Window (1944) was quite good, very noir. I see there's a new film of the same name, but it's not a remake. The shortbread biscuits went alright. I broke my electric beater, possibly mis-use, or maybe just aging 50 year old plastic (it looks pretty 70s - suits the rest of the kitchen actually) - one of the beater bits came off the shaft. Should be easy to fix with some epoxy anyway. The biscuits themselves turned out quite nice. They took twice as long in the oven as the recipe said though, maybe they were using one of those fan-forced ovens, although I'm not really sure what effect those are supposed to have anyway. The mechanical oven timer turned out to be broken, and the light, but it heats up so that's all you need, and the scrap sheet metal bits made good enough baking trays, after I spent ages washing all the bird poo off them. In terms of cost, they are a fair bit cheaper to make by weight than buying the biscuits available now, though probably not much cheaper than the discount ones I used to buy. The rolling out seems overly laborious, although my using a cardboard tube wrapped in baking paper as a rolling pin is no doubt part of the trouble there. I'm trying to work out a way to use a mould, but the consistency probably won't suit that very well. I wrote a post a few days ago but it ended up a bit too personal. It was in fact all about my latest business plans and failures, and somehow that is truely the most personal and emotive thing I can write about these days. That's a sad personal fact in itself. In fact it's probably not so much that I care too much about making money, but I just don't care that much about everything else. Then there are times like tonight when I really don't care about any of it. In a way there's nothing more lonely than telling all the world your deepest troubles anyway. Plus this phlog thing has me wondering sometimes whether I'm just playing a silly game of stacking words together. Billions of humans all stringing the same words in sequence, what's the point of it all? Does anyone ever really say anything, or is it just jibberish to be read by other minds that make it mean whatever they desire? Words don't need to have meaning. "I love grapefruit" can just as easily mean "I hate penguins", and if you want it to mean one thing, then what matter is it to anyone else either way? I did discover that some Chinese bloke is making replacement motherboards for old Thinkpads, so I've added info on that at the end of my PiMoBo idea in the Ideas section. They're not for Pi compute modules but actual current-model x86 processors and peripherals, which is impressive, though as noted there not really the sort of thing I was thinking of myself. There's also some bits of an American tourist guide to the "Night-Life and Shopping" of Hong Kong in 1971, over in the History Snippets section. I think it's facinating. Really. - The Free Thinker.